Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News


Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.   


Mathematics: Students are to continue to work on number facts (times tables). 


Inquiry: Have a conversation with your child about what you think are the top 3 most significant events in world history. Students will record this and share with the class.  


NAPLAN requirements:  Please ensure your child has working headphones and a keyboard. The iPad keyboard will be important in the development of keyboard skills which will be part of their class learning. The headphones will be regularly used in class for a variety of purposes. Again, thank you for helping with this. This is a requirement for Year 5s to complete NAPLAN. 


Current and Upcoming Learning  


Reader’s Workshop: Students have looked at a variety of texts and worked on the comprehension of the information it contains.  


Writer’s Workshop: Students have been looking at different techniques with writing narratives. This includes using the 5 senses for descriptive writing. Students did a task where they had 5 minutes of planning time and 35 minutes of writing time to write a story. This is a quick write and is therefore unedited. This will be posted on Toddle. Next week, students will be looking at the structure of persuasive texts.  


Mathematics: Students have been working heavily with number this term. They will start recapping some of the topics they have learned last year before NAPLAN.  


Inquiry: The Central Idea for our new unit is, ‘The identity of society is shaped by history’. This week we have been looking at what students believe are the 10 most significant events in world history. It would be great to have a discussion with your child about these events and what impact they have had.   


 Yours sincerely,  


Luke Napier  

Jade Fielke 

Jayne Zadow