Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster News
MOT Breakfast
We look forward to seeing families next week on Tuesday at 8am for our school’s middle of term community breakfast. It’s a great time to connect with other families. There is no cost for the pancakes. The Cafe will be open for drinks and other purchases.
8.45am Start
We appreciate that there are occasional times you are not able to get your child to school on time. We wish to make you aware that some lessons and student support sessions begin promptly at 8.45am.
Family Photos are still welcome if you haven’t sent yours in yet.
Home Inquiry
In class we are talking about protective strategies (more information below in Unit of Inquiry). You could discuss these ideas with your child:
- Knowing your address, phone number/s of trusted adults and emergency 000.
- Problem solving: ‘What if…’ e.g. You are lost at the shops. What do you do? Who could help?
- What does your body feel like you feel unsafe e.g. dry throat, butterflies in your tummy, cold, shaky. These can be warning signs that something isn’t right with a person or situation and your body is letting you know that you need to talk to a trusted adult.
- Who is in your trusted network to go to when you need help? e.g. family, school staff, sports coach.
One helpful resource is My Body Safety Rules
Read of decodable/interest/library books etc every night for 10-15 minutes.
Weekly Timetable – 1/2 Classes
Monday | Year 1s and 2s change take home books.
Assembly |
Tuesday | Japanese
Library |
Wednesday | Sport
Canteen |
Thursday | STEM (odd weeks) |
Friday | Chapel
Golden Time
Canteen |
Learning for Week 6 and 7
Word Study (previously Jolly Spelling):
Week 6
Year 1 ‘o_e’ for the /oa/ sound (unit 16)
Year 2 'oa, o-e, oe, ow' /oa/ sound (unit 16)
Week 7
Year 1 ‘u_e’
Year 2 ‘ue, u_e and ew’
Grammar Focus
Year 1: Capital Letters, Proper Nouns
Year 2: Question Marks, Commas in lists
Writer’s Workshop: Students begin inquiring into the writing process, including setting goals for their writing and working with peers and teachers to improve their writing skills.
Readers Workshop: Students practice decoding and comprehension strategies and reading high frequency words.
Students continue to inquire into place value: tens and ones (Y1), hundreds, tens and ones (Y2).
Mental Computation Links:
Near doubles– this works by doubling a number and then adding or taking away one
e.g. double 5 = 10, 5 + 4 can be worked out by doubling 5, then taking 1 (10-1 = 9).
Skip counting links: Change to setting to the 120 chart then use this number chart to colour the 2s, then the 5s, then the 10s.
Unit of Inquiry: Who We Are
Central Idea: People’s attitudes and actions impact our wellbeing and relationships.
Line of Inquiry 1: Personal wellbeing.
Line of Inquiry 2: Actions that build a safe and healthy community.
Line of Inquiry 3: My connections/relationships with others.
We will be using the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum for Reception – Year 2.
The focus is Protective Strategies for your child to remain safe and seeking support when they do not feel safe. This involves talking about remembering your address, important phone numbers, identifying people in your trusted network, problem solving, practicing being assertive, saying ‘no’ and developing resilience.
Christian Studies:
Christian Living: Christians are called to love and serve all people
We inquire into how Jesus shows care for all people.
Other Reminders
Please make sure your child can do up laces themselves if they have shoes with laces. Another option is shoes with Velcro until they learn this skill.
Bag Tags
It is useful for students to have a bag tag to identify their bag. Please only put one bag tag on and make sure it is not a special one that will be missed if it is lost as we are not able to monitor this.
Each day students need to bring the following. Please label everything.
hats – these will remain at school for the term. GGOSH is aware and they have spare hats if needed.
Take Home Bags which are also for Library borrowing.
water bottles
a fruit snack
Lunch Boxes
Please pack a substantial lunch rather than lots of recess snacks and put an ice pack in on hot days as the lunches remain in school bags outside. We also ask that you send in ‘nude food’ which does not include wrappers.
Library Borrowing
Both classes visit the Library on Tuesdays to borrow 2 books for 2 weeks.
Take Home books
Each week students take home 2-3 interest books to read at home. A letter has been sent home explaining the process. During the week, we listen to children and begin sending decodable books or other good fit books home to read.
Please apply sunscreen in the mornings before school. We will encourage reapplication during the day. If your child requires their own sunscreen, please label it and they can keep it in their bag.
We post important information reminders, student learning, photos/videos and assessments on this platform. Please contact the office if you are not connected.
During the year we have excursions, a Year 1 Sleepover and a Year 2 Camp.
If you are interested in volunteering, there a few things you must have up to date to be able to come along or to help in the classroom. Please do not volunteer unless you have these already. Contact the office if you have any questions.
- Working With Children Check (WWCC)
- Responding to Abuse, Harm and Neglect training (RRHAN-EC)
- Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) training
May God bless your week,
Melanie Arnold and Ellen Zimmer
Melanie Arnold:
Tim Kriewaldt
Ellen Zimmer