From the School Leadership Team

Class Carers 

Thanks very much to our class carers who have volunteered to support our community through this valuable school organisation this year. Class Carers conduct a range of activities to support our school community, including Mother's and Father's Day stalls, as well as seeking to arrange opportunities for each cluster group to get together which supports us in further building our community. We are working on some cluster catch ups as a new opportunity for connection for 2025, and these could include activities life coffee mornings, afternoon or weekend catch ups in the park - updates about these will be provided during the year as they come up. Class Carers have also proven to be a valuable support network for our school families in times of need over the years as well as a wonderful point of connection. 


Our gratitude goes to Sarah Harry who has kindly offered to co-ordinate Class Carers again this year as well as to our many volunteers for each cluster: 

Foundation: Sarah Morena and Dayna Rushton 

1/2: Amy Jones and Sheridan Horskins 

2/3: Krystle Poole 

3/4: Jo Rogers and Sarah Harry 

5/6: Kylie Myllynen and Alice Tritton 


There are some optional messenger groups that support general communication amongst families in each cluster. However please be aware in terms of these groups that all interactions on social media must be respectful, and mindful of the best interests and wellbeing of others. No comment should be made at any time that is potentially harmful to the reputation of a person, organisation or group of people and if there is feedback that relates to the school or a school activity, this should be directed to the school leadership team rather than to a messenger group. 




Volunteering in the School 

We appreciate many families giving of their time and expertise to volunteer in the school, whether it be with our school canteen, P & F Events, school camps, GLOW Week or classroom assistance. A reminder to please ensure that your WWCC details are up to date, along with RAHN and VSC training. Further information on our volunteering requirements is available from our website. 


TASS Parent Lounge

TASS Parent Lounge is our online parent portal. This is a great way to be able to check that your contact details and your child's medical details are up to date, as well as to be able to view the school calendar.

Please check your email for your login information - and you are most welcome to be in touch with us if you have any queries around the login process.


A few reminders

Please be reminded of some of our key events coming up:


Friday 28 February - Ignite Water Evening 

Tuesday 4 March - Middle of Term Breakfast - Shrove Tuesday Pancakes 

Wednesday 5 March - Ash Wednesday 

Monday 10 March - Adelaide Cup Public Holiday 

Friday 14 March - Principal Tours 

Friday 21 March - Sports Day 

Monday 24 March - Harmony Day 

Thursday 27 March - Principal Tours 


Our full school calendar can also be viewed on the school website. 


Will Wallace 



As part of the process of evaluation, we are wanting to engage with both parents and students in our school seeking a range of perspectives on the standards and practices that are our guidelines. These exist in 4 areas and consider the IB (International Baccalaureate) philosophy and the school context. The teachers have created a series of surveys that will be sent out over the coming weeks. The timeline for the return of each will be one week, as we then need to understand the data we receive and bring it together in an overall picture of how we are meeting each standard and practice.  


The surveys will be short and target one of the areas. They will offer the opportunity to respond with a rating as well as give the opportunity to indicate if you would like to comment further or discuss further with me.  


This week’s survey is about the environment that GGLPS offers. Please find the survey at: 

or use the following QR code: 

We will be leaving this survey open until next Wednesday, March 5th.  


Jayne Zadow 

Director of PYP, Teaching and Learning