
Jesus calling His Disciples - and Fishing  


"Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.." (Luke 5: 10b - 11).


In Chapel this week, we are looking at Luke 5:1-11, where we see Jesus calling Simon, James, and John to follow Him. The scene unfolds by the the Lake of Gennesaret, where these fishermen had worked all night without catching a single fish. Tired and discouraged, they were ready to give up. But Jesus, stepping into their situation, instructs them to cast their nets once more. This time, they catch an abundance of fish, so much so that their nets begin to break.


This miraculous catch wasn’t just about fish—it was a divine moment. Jesus reveals His power and calls them to a new purpose. In verse 10, He says, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will fish for people." He offers them a new mission, inviting them to leave behind their old way of life to follow Him in sharing the Gospel.


Peter’s reaction in verse 8 is striking: “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” He recognises his unworthiness, but Jesus reassures him with love and a promise of transformation. Jesus doesn’t call the perfect; He calls those willing to trust Him. Peter, James, and John left everything—boats, fish, and livelihoods—to follow Jesus.


Jesus also calls each of us in the midst of our ordinary lives, just as He did with the disciples. Even when we feel inadequate or unworthy, He sees potential in us. Just like Peter, we might feel overwhelmed by our imperfections, but Jesus invites us to follow Him, trust Him, and step into the purpose He has for us. These verses are a great encouragement for us to answer His call and to trust that He can transform our ordinary into the extraordinary?


Dear God, 

Thank You for calling us to follow You, even when we feel unworthy. Help us to trust in Your power and love. Equip us to fulfill the mission You've set before us, and remind us that with You, all things are possible. In Jesus' name, Amen.




Will Wallace
