Wellbeing Education

Our Wellbeing focus this term has been building relationships, setting up classroom norms, introducing our school values and learning about "The Zones of Regulation".


Students have talked about what "regulation" means. They have discussed different emotions, and where they fit within the zones.


We have also introduced some regulation resources into classrooms - fidgets, weighted blankets, kinetic sand etc. Students will be taught how to use these to support their regulation.

To be able to learn and work at our best, we need to be in the “green zone”. Sometimes though, it is ok to move into the other areas. Especially when we are excited, or we are taking a calculated risk.

We encourage you, our community, to talk about emotional regulation with your children. How do you regulate when you find yourself “outside the green zone”? What is it that you do to keep yourself healthy? It can be something as simple as eating regular, healthy food and getting enough sleep.  Or do you take time to be mindful – going for a walk, meditating or participating in your favourite hobby. As adults, most of us, most of the time, have mastered regulation. We need to talk to our kids about it and be good role models.  Talking about how we feel and how we are dealing with our emotions in a healthy way makes for great education for our children.