Years 4 & 6

A busy fortnight of learning in Year 4 & 6 - even with 6 of the class having fun on Somers Camp.
Our focus in Number is on place value and analysing numbers. We can analyse a number and identify if it is odd, even, prime or composite. It was particularly impressive when some of the Year 6 students started applying divisibility rules to check if a number was prime or composite! We love seeing previous learning coming into play!
We have also been reading, writing and ordering large decimal numbers, checking the place value to make sure we are placing them in correct order. Very important learning so they can read their bank balance when they are millionaires who look after their primary school teacher/principal in her old age.
On Thursday we went for a long walk. This was our length measurement lesson. We had a go at using some measurement tools in the classroom – rulers, measuring tapes and the trundle wheel. We got into a big discussion about which tool is the best for which job, and how technology has made measurement easier. Then we started talking about how far it would be, walking in a straight line, to walk 1 km from school. So, we measured it. We didn’t use the trundle wheel because we didn’t think it was practical to push it all that way. We used a smartwatch. Most people guessed it was 1km from school to the Police Station. They were wrong. It was only 400m. 1 km took us across the bridge and up the hill to opposite Huf Builders. It was a great walk and showed the distance 1km AND we got to get the trucks to blow their horns which was super fun.
We are reading “The Wild Robot” and learning new vocabulary. Ask your child to define etched, surveyed and surge. They should be able to tell you (they had better be able to tell you….).
In writing we are beginning to look at persuasive techniques, starting with sentence types. This week we analysed sentences to define simple sentences, identifying the subject and predicate in each. We practiced writing simple sentences and found examples in “The Wild Robot”.
We look forward to welcoming our campers back next week and hearing about their adventures!