Years 2 & 3

In the Year 2-3 classroom we have continued settling in to the routines of learning. We have begun our class text for the term, Fantastic Mr Fox. Students are generally familiar with the plot, which is great as it allows us to focus on close reading of the text for interesting new vocabulary and literary devices. Students have been making many connections between the text and themselves, their worlds, and other texts they know to weave a rich shared understanding. I love the way they are making this text our text and building our classroom community as engaged and connected readers. 


Working collaboratively to generate compound words
Working collaboratively to generate compound words
Working collaboratively to generate compound words
Working collaboratively to generate compound words

In Maths we have continued to play different maths games as well as complete some written work that is assisting me in understanding each student's skills and abilities so that I can tailor the classroom learning to the needs of each student. Activities have focused on number sense, ordering numbers, place value, spatial concepts such as columns and rows, time related concepts, and addition. 

Maths play and more maths play!
Maths play and more maths play!


Wellbeing has been a strong focus. I have been putting much effort in to creating a calm climate in which everyone is valued, people's efforts are respected, and mistakes are viewed as okay. As a group we have been practicing Circle Time routines and learning to listen and share our thoughts and feelings in a reflective way. We have been learning about the Zones of Regulation, and matching emotions with the different zones. We will continue to work on this and it will provide one framework within which we can identify our feelings and intentionally choose strategies to help us return to a state of calm. This is important in the classroom as a calm mind has a greater capacity for learning, but it is also an important life skill we hope you will find beneficial for your children. :)

Learning about the zones of regulation.
Working together to match feelings with the zones.
Exploring the sensory toys and fidget items.
Learning about the zones of regulation.
Working together to match feelings with the zones.
Exploring the sensory toys and fidget items.