Notes from the Principal

Many thanks to the Behncke Family for their generous donation of new netball and soccer balls. These will be put to good use in our PE program.
Student Learning/Experiences
Somers Camp
Six of our Year 6 students have taken advantage of this wonderful opportunity, along with Miss Gray. I look forward to hearing about their experiences when they return.
Years 3-6 visit from Koorie Education Support Officer
As part of the Marrung Initiative, the Department of Education mandates that all schools present an acknowledgement of country to begin assemblies, formal occasions etc.
Miss Lee has worked with the students in Years 3-6 to review and develop an acknowledgement of country that reflects our values at Cavendish Primary School.
We then had a visit from our KESO Josh Franks who congratulated the students on creating an acknowledgement that demonstrates respect and appreciation and has meaning for us as a school.
At Cavendish Primary School we acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land we are standing on and calling home today, the Gunditjmara people.
We would like to thank the traditional owners for sharing this land and promise to protect it and treat the water, plants, and animals kindly.
We also pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging.
Picnic Sports - Well done!
The Picnic Sports was a day that demonstrated sportsmanship, kindness and resilience. Our students are wonderful kids who are willing to have a go at anything, and competed in the spirit of fun. It was especially valuable for our House Captains who took the lead on the day, training me along the way. Thanks again to all the family members who attended, and to the helpers. It is my goal to plan for more days like this through the year, where we can get together and enjoy time as a school community.
SGSSA Swimming at Dunkeld
Congratulations to Ivy who represented our school today at Dunkeld. We hope you enjoyed the competition. Ivy competed in the backstroke, breastroke, freestyle and joined in with the Dunkeld students to participate in the relay.
Buildings and Grounds Update
It is nearly finished! Allan our builder thinks we will be in very soon. Time to start planning a grand opening!
The last lot of new toilets have now been installed. Next step is to give it a fresh coat of paint and repair the urinal surround.
Shelter in Place Project
The Department will be carrying out Shelter in Place works on the school building this year. Architect Aaron Stillitano made contact last week and attended onsite on Tuesday 18th Feb to begin planning. Shreyaa Shah will be our VSBA Project Officer. We do not get a lot of say in these works – they are a department planned maintenance project.
New Bell System
Tammy and I have been communicating with iBell about installing an automatic bell system with loudspeakers and alarm system. Our technician Sai is investigating the software to make sure we are getting the best system at a reasonable price for our school.
Working Bee
We are hoping to organise a working bee soon to landscape around the stadium and renew our sandpit.
Have a good weekend.
Kate Steele