Assistant Principal (Years 11/12) Report
Mr Jason Tickner
Assistant Principal (Years 11/12) Report
Mr Jason Tickner
Senior School Reflection
As leader of the senior school I’m pleased with how our senior students have commenced the academic year. After successful study programs in the first week of term students have maintained a high level of attendance and engaging in lessons taught. For our VCE mainstream students establishing effective study habits at home are crucial. Generally, these students should be completing 2.5-3hrs work outside of face-to-face teaching time. Systematically revising content and consolidating learning from the day are all key elements to successful study.
For our VCE-VM and VPC students completing work linked to their Essential Learning Tasks (ELTS) is important to ensure academic success. Attending VET studies and work placements maintains students’ progress to further vocational study or employment post schooling. During senior school assemblies we have highlighted getting the basics right with attendance, uniform and checking communication from Compass and Teams. This information has helped students align their behaviours to our iCare school values and assist them to see themselves as leaders within the school.
Progress Reports and Parent-Teacher Conferences
Semester 1 Progress Reports for all students will be made available in Compass on Wednesday 2nd April. Progress Reports provide a snapshot of your child’s performance in 5 Learning Behaviours:
These learning behaviours are the foundation for students need to achieve improvement and ultimately academic success. Further information will be sent in our next newsletter via Compass which will explain to parents and students how to access Term 1 Progress Reports.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be conducted in the second week of Term, Monday 29th April. These interviews will be conducted face-to-face at school. This is a great opportunity for parents/carers and teachers to meet to discuss your child’s progress across the 5 Learning Behaviours which have been detailed in Term 1 Progress Reports. It also provides time for parents to ask questions and delve deeper into what is working and not working for their child in the classroom. Parents/Carers will receive a Compass notification when the booking portal is open early in the first week of Term 2.
Parent/Carers can access the online booking system using your Compass Username and Password. Teachers can also book students directly into time slots if students know the time that best suits their Parent/Carer. Instructions on how to make a booking in Compass are also included within the attachment below. If you require any assistance in making the bookings, please contact the school. For assistance with bookings or login issues, please contact the office on 9546 3233.
Aim High Re-Launch 2025
At the end of last year Westall SC relaunched our Aim High Program. Aim High is a selective extension program that is available to students who demonstrate an outstanding capacity for academic achievement in individual subject/s with a specific focus on ability in English and Mathematics. Specifically, the objectives of Aim High are to:
To develop and extend their ability to be independent learners, to problem-solve, and to be creative.
To effectively apply knowledge in their nominated areas of academic strength and potential.
To engage with and connect learning across an inquiry-based project.
To develop socially and emotionally through contributions to school and broader community.
In the re-structuring of the Aim High Program the focus was on ‘getting the program right’ and ‘building more meaning opportunities for academic and personal growth. Only Year 7 & 8 students were targeted with the re-structuring of the Aim High program in 2025. This will grow to Yr9 & yr10 students in the years ahead. This year the following Year 8 students have been our first students accepted into Aim High in 2025. These students are Nehal Baddireddi, Antonio Cotsakis, Anirudh Krishna Marur, Steven Le, Sreyan Prottoy, Anand Mendbayar, Manjot Singh and Sophia Rafli. Throughout Term 1 Year 7 students will be identified through PAT-testing and provided with this opportunity to join Aim High.
The structure of Aim High takes up 4 key areas:
The Aim High program is led by Mr. Jason Tickner, Ms. Annie Papagiannopoulos, Mr. Hieu Minh Tran and Ms. Smrithi Buyya whom form the Aim High team. On behalf of the Aim High team, I would like to congratulate the above-mentioned students and those current Year 7s who will be inducted into the program in the coming weeks.
Flyer below regarding Sibling orders. Please feels free to contact the information below regarding any questions.
2025 Booklist & Resources
It is crucial that all Westall students start the 2025 academic year with the resources needed in each of their subject. This includes required texts and stationary items. If students don’t have access to these basic resources, they are less likely to learn and achieve academic success.
Having textbooks is a basic requirement for every student! All parents and/or caregivers should ensure that you support your son or daughter by purchasing the texts and resources that are listed on the 2025 Booklist. With the school saver bonus initiative this has never been so easy for students and families to purchase textbooks. Information on how to access and use the school saver bonus has already been emailed to all families.
Contact details for the Department School Saving Bonus program for the purchase of textbooks the contact details are here:
Online inquiry form: Click here
Phone: 1800 338 663 (8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday
Mr Jason Tickner
Assistant Principal (Year 11/12)