Vermont Secondary School
Vermont Secondary School
The Wellbeing team have noticed an increase in the number of students coming to us with body image concerns. These concerns are very common amongst adolescents, and there is lots of help and support available.
Body image is the way we see or perceive our bodies; it is influenced by both internal factors, such as personality or beliefs, and external factors, such as social media, friends, family, social environments, and TV. Our body image is also shaped by the thoughts, feelings, values, and beliefs we hold about our bodies and appearance. Body image incorporates how we feel about our size, shape, weight, gender identity, and how our body functions. Many people experience fluctuating feelings about their body, and can move between feeling positive, negative, neutral, or a combination of emotions about their body at different times.
It is important to remember that everybody deserves and can enjoy a positive body image, regardless of size, shape, weight, or appearance.
-Withdrawing socially and no longer participating in activities they used to enjoy.
-Having a strong focus or preoccupation around food, calories, exercise, diets, and health.
-Becoming irritable, anxious, or stressed at meal times.
-Restricting food amounts, or refusing to eat certain foods or food groups.
-Frequently scrutinising their appearance, e.g., weighing themselves excessively or “body checking”.
-Making critical comments about their appearance, such as “I’m ugly” or “I’m fat”.
-Changing their clothing style, e.g., wearing baggy or oversized clothing.
If you would like some support with body image or are worried about someone you care about, you can reach out to any of the following free resources:
-The VSC Wellbeing team (contact directly or through relevant student manager).
-SchoolTV (https://vermontsc.vic.schooltv.me/newsletter/body-image).
-Eating Disorders Victoria: https://eatingdisorders.org.au/ .
-The Butterfly Foundation: https://butterfly.org.au/ .