Assistant Principal Reports
Deanne Scott/Joshua Fielding
Assistant Principal Reports
Deanne Scott/Joshua Fielding
Hello Everyone,
Child Safe Standards
Deer Park West Primary School is committed to ensuring that all students can learn in an environment that is safe and supportive, and have the Child Safe Standards as part of our everyday practice. The Victorian Child Safe Standards are rules everyone must follow to keep all children safe.
We just call them the Standards.
When we say ‘everyone’, we mean:
OFFICIAL: Sensitive
The Standards help protect the rights of children and young people.
Rights are rules about how everyone should be treated:
The Standards also help support the wellbeing of children and young people.
This includes their:
•physical wellbeing– how your body feels
•mental wellbeing – how you think and feel.
They also want to focus on keeping First Nations children and young peoples safer.
It is important we all make sure children and young people are not at risk of online abuse.
The Standards include families and communities working with us to keep children and young people safe.
Specific policies relate to our commitment around Child Safety:
These policies are available via our website, and if required, from our office.
School Toilets
This is a reminder to all adults (Parents, carers, other family members, etc) that the student toilets are only for student use. You are not permitted to use them.
Should you, or your young child, happen to need a toilet, please see the office.
2025 Canteen Service
We are pleased to announce that this year we will be using the lunchtime canteen service provided by Classroom Cuisine. The service will begin on Friday 31st January. You need to order by 8.30am the day of the service, and can order in advance (even a few days before).
The service will deliver only at lunch time. When you order the food, it will all be delivered at the same time, before 1.30pm on our designated days (Monday, Thursday & Friday). You will need to send your child to school with a snack for recess.
Should you wish to use this service, you will need to register to create your own account. For information about how to do this, please use this link: and click on the Register button. Add your details, then the details of your child/ren and select their class. You will then be ready to order.
Please see the flyer in this newsletter for more details about the menu.
Pride and Integrity Raffle
This raffle, recognizes all of the students who are attending school on time. This is to acknowledge the students demonstrating Pride and Integrity by being ready to learn each day.
Every student who is at school, and in their classroom, before the bell (9am) will have their name added to the class attendance box. So, if they are present on time, every day of the week, they will have 5 entries into the raffle.
Last week’s class winners were:
1B – Norwayne, 6A – Aria
2025 Term 1 Challenge of the Week
Week 2:
Alphabet Challenge – Items you use at school
This term, the challenge of the week will be an alphabet challenge. I will set a topic and you need to find a word related to that topic for each letter of the alphabet, or as many as you can. You can find more than one word for each letter.
You must collaborate with at least one other person (a friend, parent, classmate, etc) and no more than 3 other people. If you do not collaborate, you will not receive a PAC for Collaboration.
Students collaborating for week 1’s Challenge earnt a PAC each.
The students were:
Emily 2B & Andrew 4B
Alessio 4B (& mum and dad)
Monica 5B, Alice 5B & Thao 5C
Please hand your answers to the office before 3.30pm on Wednesday 12th February.
Kind regards,
Deanne Scott
Assistant Principal
Term 1 Information Sessions for families
Date: Tuesday 18th February for Foundation, Year 1 and 2 students
Date: Thursday 20th February for Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students
Time: 3:30-4:30
Location: Your child’s classroom
Details: Connect with your child’s teachers in an informal setting. Learn more about the curriculum, classroom activities, and how you can support your child’s learning journey. Teachers will share key information about the year level and grade and answer your questions. RSVP forms will be going home to families this week. Please return them by next Friday and we look forward to seeing you there.
Acceptable use of Digital Technology
Please keep an eye out, shortly students in Grades 1–6 will bring home the Deer Park West PS Digital Technology User Agreement. This document outlines:
Please read through the agreement with your child, sign the student agreement and parent acknowledgment on the last page, and return it to school. Students must return this signed page to use digital devices at school.
Thank you for your support in promoting safe and responsible technology use!
Joshua Fielding
Assistant Principal