Visual Art

Prep AW & Prep ST: Sun Ray Image
The students explored printing by creating sun ray images, using dot painting techniques with their fingers. They experimented with using their hands as paint tools and developed patterns with their fingertips, focusing on primary colours to bring their designs to life.
1GJ & 1SH: Clay Pinch Pot
Students planned a personal story represented through symbols inspired by Indigenous artist Cassie Leatham. They created clay pinch pots, following proper clay procedures, etching symbols using tools like sticks, skewers, or feathers. The feathers symbolized family, adding a meaningful touch to their work.
2AP & 2TN: Clay Coil Pot
Building on the inspiration from Cassie Leatham, students planned their personal stories and created clay coil pots to depict their past, present, and future. They etched symbols onto the pots and used feathers to symbolize family connections.
3EN, 3AJ & 3JA: Stained Glass Cardboard Lanterns
Students learned how to create luminous stained glass lanterns by cutting, pasting, and tearing a variety of papers. They applied these materials intricately to create detailed stained glass effects on their lanterns.
4AS & 4EK: Picasso Face Mask
The classes explored mixed media techniques to create Picasso-inspired masks. They used a range of materials and tools, focusing on incorporating colour and texture to bring dimension and creativity to their designs.
5DG & 5ME: Charles McGee Inspired Sculpture
Students studied line, shape, pattern, repetition, and unity, using these elements to design Charles McGee-inspired collage and relief sculptures. They explored depth and three-dimensional composition, practicing creative and thoughtful arrangements of line, shape, and pattern.
6AA, 6JC, & 6CB: Chinese Fan Art
To celebrate the Chinese New Year, students created traditional Chinese fans, learning about the history behind these art pieces. They blended watercolours to develop unique colour schemes, such as analogue colours, and included Chinese characters and decorative details in their designs.
I hope you enjoy viewing the fabulous artwork our students have created this term! Each piece reflects their creativity, dedication, and growing artistic skills as they explored various cultures, techniques, and mediums.
Kind regards,
Adele Schofield, Visual Arts Teacher