Operations Update

Emergency evacuations/ lockdowns
I would like to explain our processes for managing emergency situations at GSSC.
If a fire alarm is set off and an evacuation is required, the building that is “at risk” will be evacuated immediately and all persons from that building only, will evacuate to the football oval until the emergency is declared over and all clear.
All other building will go into a lockdown state as to avoid congestion towards the oval and major disruption time to classes getting students back to the classroom when emergency is declared over.
Students are required to listen to their building alarm only and follow direction from staff.
Whenever the lockdown alarm is sounded over the building, it is to be treated as a legitimate lockdown scenario. Classroom teachers will lock their rooms, turn off the lights and have everyone stay out of sight as best possible.
If a student is outside of a classroom at the time the alarm is sounded, staff will direct these students to the closest room to lockdown.
Staff and Student will remain evacuated or locked down as long as necessary for emergency services to declare the hazard safe.