Hello everyone and welcome back to school and a massive welcome to the new Foundation students and any new Monty families!
Thank you to those families who volunteered their time to water and care for the gardens over the summer break, we are so grateful to you for your support.
Our first weeks back have been relaxed, yet productive. I have been taking the students on a garden tour of the Monty P.S. grounds to help us gain an understanding of how we can work together to care for our gardens. Grade 2Z got busy in the garden working through our giant to do list. We shelled last season’s broad bean seeds, harvested calendula and cornflower seeds from spent flower heads, weeded and created some lettuce punnets from donated lettuce seedlings (thank you Chris Metcalf!!). We also had our first Monty Primary Mini Market! Every second week during Term 1, our STEM captains will run a mini market outside the office where we will sell food made from our produce, seedlings, seeds and assorted things made by us - we hope to see you there!