Instrumental Music 2025

TERM 1 WEEK 2 2025

Instrumental Music 2025

Starting next year, Lockleys North is excited to welcome back the Department's Instrumental Music Program. Students in Years 5 and 6 (possibly Year 4) will have the opportunity to learn woodwind instruments, such as the flute, clarinet, and saxophone. 


Students will participates in small group lessons, once a week with a maximum of 8 students per group. 

Lessons will be on Thursday afternoons, 1:30 - 3 pm. There will ben Instrumental Music demonstration for our year 4-6 students on Thursday 6th February. 


Once we have held the demonstration, families and students will be encouraged to express interest in the program. 

A form and information will be sent home with your child this Thursday! 


The students will need to commit to a year of learning with parent approval provided, and there will be a cost involved with the hire of the musical equipment. 


If there are large numbers of students interested, they will be prioritised int he following order: 

  • Year 5s - as they will be continuing students in 2026.
  • Year 6s
  • Year 4s  - only if there is space left in the lessons