School News
School News
Come along to our Community Playgroup!
- Birth to 5 -
Embark on your child's connection to the LNPS community by joining our playgroup, which runs during term time and welcomes everyone.
The playgroup offers a chance for babies, toddlers, and families or caregivers to connect with our community while participating in enriching hands-on activities. Led by Lauren, our exceptional Early Years Educator, this welcoming playgroup environment provides an excellent opportunity to gain insights into our school community. We invite you to be part of this wonderful experience.
Playgroup is every Tuesday 1:30pm - 3:00pm at Lockleys North PS.
For the first two weeks:
Book of the Week: Alpacas with Maracas
Activities: Threading, playdough creatures & patterning with natural materials
Book of the Week: Room on the Broom
Activities: Felt board, story stones & role play with dress-ups
Temporarily relocated to the Mellor building in M1.
Register your interest by scanning the QR code or visiting our website!
08 8443 5544
55 Malurus Avenue, Lockleys 5032
Best part? It’s completely FREE!
Just a reminder the 2024 LNPS AGM is being held on Monday 10th February at 6:30pm in the Staff Room. We encourage parents to attend for the presentation of the Annual Report and Governing Council Report.
Last December you would have received your Materials and Service invoice for 2025 along with the $200 Rebate Notice and a Statement. Please make sure you pay the amount on the statement. (which includes the deduction of rebate).
As the school conducted a Poll the legally recoverable amount is $439 ($239 due with rebate) for R,1,2,4,5,6 and $859 ($659 due with rebate) for Year 3. This amount is due by 31 March 2025. Your cooperation is sought to finalise all payments by this date.
Payment Plans are offered, they can be collected in the front office or alternatively, email and we will email you one. Payment Plans must be completed by the end of Term 3.
School Card forms for 2025 are now available from the front office. Forms must be completed yearly. You can also apply online
Early Bird Refund Raffle: All families paying their fees by 4.00 pm Wednesday 26th February will be included in an Early Bird Draw. The prize is a refund for one student’s fees for the year. The parents will be contacted on Monday 3rd March and the winner will be announced in the school’s newsletter.
Please be advised that there will be a price increase for school uniform items in 2025. Please see the attachment below for new prices.