Learning Diversity

Dear Families,
If you feel that your child may need extra support or has a Disability that the school is not aware of, please contact the office and ask to speak to Sally Thomas or email me sthomas@saseaford.catholic.edu.au
As we reflect on the past year, we want to extend our sincere gratitude to all the staff and parents who have worked so collaboratively and passionately for the benefit of our students with disabilities. Your dedication and commitment have made a remarkable difference in the lives of these students, and together, we continue to create a supportive and inclusive environment that helps them thrive.
A special thank you is due to Leonie Marks, whose unwavering support and meticulous minute-taking at our PSG (Parent Support Group) meetings has been invaluable over the years. Leonie will have a rest from this role and move back into the classroom full time. Leonie, your attention to detail and dedication have ensured that our meetings ran smoothly, and your contributions have played a crucial role in the progress we've made. We are incredibly grateful for your years of service.
As we look ahead to the next year, we would like to welcome Angela Gough, who will be taking on the important task of minute-taking for the PSG's. Angela, I look forward to working with you and are confident that your efforts will continue the legacy of excellence that Leonie has established.
Thank you once again to everyone involved. The partnership between staff, parents, and the community is what makes our work so successful, and we are excited to continue this journey together in 2025.
As a result of the Quality Assurance process and discussion. It is recommended that all medical documentation and reports that families are sending to staff be sent via email or in a hard copy. Please do not use the seesaw app to send medical information to school.
Sally Thomas
Diversity Leader