Delahey Campus News

Mackellar Primary School students visit Delahey Campus
On Friday 8th November, Grade 5 students from Mackellar Primary School visited the Delahey Campus as part of their transition program into secondary school. The students participated in a science workshop where they worked together with senior students to make slime. The students then had a tour of the Delahey campus and had the opportunity to ask the senior students questions.
Bobby Todorovski
Education Support
VCD Step Up Activity.
Our Year 11 Visual Communication Design students have been juicing up their design skills at Step Up! By applying Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design, they've critically evaluated a range of citrus juicers. Through observational drawing and collaborative teamwork, they've identified areas for improvement and are working on innovative redesigned solutions that address a range of design problems. Stay tuned to see more of their creative endeavours!