Delahey Campus Principal Message

As we approach the end of another remarkable year at the Delahey Campus, I want to reflect on our collective achievements and thank every school community member for their unwavering support and dedication.
I take this opportunity to thank families for the overwhelming support you have provided both your child/children and our staff throughout 2024. Education is a partnership and together as partners we will continue to work together to ensure your children, our students reach their individual best.
The VCE and VCE VM students have all completed their exams and assessment tasks, focusing on preparing for 2025 prior to taking a well deserved summer break. It’s a time of great excitement for our Year 12 students as they nervously await their results. We trust that their hard work and dedication to their studies brings them academic and personal rewards steering all into an abyss of opportunities. The Year 11 students have been busy beginning their 2025 Unit 3 courses, which will give them a head start on their studies. They have been encouraged to ensure they complete their holiday homework and find time to also take a break.
The Delahey Campus welcomed the Year 10 students from Kings Park and Sydenham. It has been an exciting opportunity for them to get a taste of life at the senior campus, be exposed to the demands of the coursework, meet their teachers and be introduced to new peers. The campus assemblies are always events that we all look forward to. The final campus assembly was an opportunity to recognise the Year 11 Award winners, hear from the College Captain candidates and be entertained by another standout musical performance.
Thank you to Ms Mara Aleardi and Mr. Bobby Todorovksi for their support and organisation of the event and to the College Captains Mia Chircop and Suela Pajaziti who hosted their last campus assembly. We commend and applaud their exceptional work and superb leadership and wish them the best for the years ahead.
Whilst our students are preparing for the end of the year, we are planning for the new year ahead. Staff will be involved in KLA planning sessions collaborating on 2025 resource building.
At the end of this schooling year, we farewell the following staff members. Ms. Junko Takahama, Ms. Lynda Gaylard, Mr. Albion Abdullah, Mr. Peter Matassa, Mr. Deep Kumar, Mr. Alan Shearer, Ms. Sabina Serrano and Ms Kerryanne Farrall. We thank them all for their tremendous work and wish them prosperity, health and success as they begin a new chapter in their careers.
Multi campus structures means cross campus staffing changes. These changes occur because of curriculum needs, building teacher capacity across Years 7-12 and to accommodate for specific campus needs.
We thank the following teaching staff members for their work on the Delahey campus and wish them well at their new campuses. Mr James Inabinet, Mr. Yogesh Ramhota, Mr. Alain Cazetta, Mr. Marcus Mann, Ms Kim Bhatti, Ms. Rosanna Fimiani.
We welcome to the campus Mr. Muneel Goundar, Ms Shefie Demiri, Ms Michelle Romjin, Ms Olga Polovic-Lazovic, Ms. Kelly Phan, Mr. John Breen, Mr. Luke Wilson, Ms Ngoc Hai Tran and Mr. Nick Taseski. Furthermore, in 2025 several staff will be working across the senior and one of the junior campuses. Campus movements and travelling between campuses reflects our strong motto ‘one college, three sites, one family’
Year 12 Formal
The Class of 2024 exuded glamour and good vibes at their formal on Wednesday 27th of November. Sparkles, glitter, lace and satin mixed in with some very fine suiting and tuxedos met on the dance floor as the Class of 2024 showed off their dancing and singing skills. A fun and positive night was had by all. Well done to all attendees, you were amazing. Thank you to Ms. Tamara Northorpe for her work, enthusiasm and meticulous detail in organising this event and to the Student Management Team for their support.
Awards Night
As we approached the end of another academic year, it is with great pride and excitement that we held the Year 12 Awards!
This event celebrated the dedication, hard work, and outstanding achievements of our Year 12 students. Throughout the year, they demonstrated exceptional commitment to their studies, personal growth, and contributions to the school community.
Year 12 Awards Night event celebrated not only this year's achievements but the culmination of 13 years of schooling as students prepare to embark on the next phase of their lives, whether through further study or by entering the workforce.
Congratulations to all the students on their fantastic efforts and wish them every success in their future endeavours.
Award Winners
Gorton Young Leaders Awards: Jazmin Barbaro and Ali Kacmazer
ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership Award: Mia Chircop
ADF Long Tan Future Innovators Award: Gisele Dimopoulos
Ampol Best All Rounder Award: Simon Thai
WPC Scholarship Awards: Dante Sepusione, Cody Salih, Koray Cagla
VCE VET Awards:
VCE VET Automotive- Andrew Tjung
VCE VET Building and Construction- Shuci Ma
VCE VET Business- Helen Misker
VCE VET Community Services- Christine Jennings Paparoa
VCE VET Dance - Shayla Kendjer
VCE VET Electrical - Cody Salih
VCE VET Health Services - Gurleen Kaur
VCE VET Health Services- Olivia Borg
VCE VET Hospitality (Cookery)- Keshya Mumford
VCE VET Information Technology- Nedeljko Santrac
VCE VET Music Performance- Fogaa Loli
VCE VET Sport and Recreation- Tiana Denis
Workplace Institute Scholarship Awards: Mia Chetcuti, Christine Jennings Paparoa, Tylah Rihs, Andrew Tjung, Bi Tran
Stride Award: Joshua Villaneza and Emily Ward
IGA Supa Valu Community Award: Suela Pajaziti
VCE Vocational Major (VM) Excellence Awards:
2Y1 – Mia Chetcuti (Literacy, Work Related Skills and Personal Development Strand), Andy Nguyen (Numeracy)
2G1- Kimberley Barnard (Personal Development Strand and Work Related Skills), Julian Kirby (Literacy), Lee Lee Cin Zah (Numeracy)
2P1- Ceu Hnin Lian Zaa Thang (Literacy), Tommy Trinh (Work Related Skills), Kalia Javornik (Personal Development Strand), Andrew Tjung (Numeracy)
2R1- Kristian Baulk (Personal Development Strand), Cody Salih (Numeracy), Jacob Do (Literacy and Work Related Skills)
Outstanding Vocational Major Student Award- Mia Chetcuti
VCE Excellence Awards-
Eliza Lee (English), Linda Tran (English), Tiana Lim (Literature), Devyash Nadan (General Mathematics), Jaydan Pham (General Mathematics), Mia Triantafillidis (Biology), Krisnil Sanjay (Applied Computing: Software Development)
Leonie Tran (Applied Computing: Software Development), Tommy Le (Business Management), Sophia Cruz (Business Management), Daniel Tran (Outdoor and Environmental Studies), Za Hlei Hlawn Ceu (History: Revolutions)
Sawra Dawood (Product Design and Technologies), Ilana Barrios (Languages: Spanish), Minjoo Baik (Languages: Korean Second Language), Thy Nguyen (Languages: Vietnamese First Language)
Academic Excellence in Two Subjects:
Alam Singh (Legal Studies and Music Contemporary Performance), Ali Kacmazer (Business Management and Visual Communication Design), Andi Canlas (Health and Human Development and Psychology)
Brandon Tran (English and Languages: Japanese Second Language), Simon Thai (Accounting and Economics), Teegan Claxton (General Mathematics and Physical Education), Heidi Liang (Product Design and Technologies and Art Making and Exhibiting)
Hoang Tien Nguyen (English as an Additional Language and Systems Engineering), Jazmin Barbaro (General Mathematics and Psychology).
Academic Excellence in Three Subjects:
Ravneet Kaur (English, Health and Human Development and Legal Studies).
Academic Excellence in Four Subjects:
Declan Burt (Chemistry, English, Specialist Mathematics and Physics), Gisele Dimopoulos (English, General Mathematics, Specialist Mathematics and Mathematical Methods)
40+ Study Score Medallion Presentation:
Tommy Le (40 Business Management), Hoang Tien Nguyen (40 English as an Additional Language), Alam Singh (42 Legal Studies) Jaydan Pham (40 General Mathematics), Teegan Claxton (43 General Mathematics)
Devyash Nadan (40 General Mathematics), Gisele Dimopoulos (46 Mathematical Methods), Sehaj Singh (40 Mathematical Methods), Minjoo Baik (42 Languages: Korean Second Language).
40+ Study Score in Two Subjects:
Brandon Tran (40 English and 40 Japanese), Ravneet Kaur (44 Health and Human Development and 47 Legal Studies), Jazmin Barbaro (40 Psychology and 40 General Mathematics)
40+ Study Score in Three Subjects:
Declan Burt (49 Chemistry, 49 Physics and 43 Mathematical Methods)
Perfect Score: Gisele Dimopoulos (50 General Mathematics)
Valedictorians: Benjamin Debono and Alam Singh
90+ ATAR Score Students:
Declan Burt 99.15,
Gisele Dimopoulos 97.95
Brandon Tran 96.85,
Sehaj Singh 96.5,
Hoang Tien Nguyen 95.7,
Ravneet Kaur 93.75,
Tan Nguyen 92.5,
Arnav Ramasre 91.65,
Teegan Claxton 91.2,
Simon Thai 91.2,
Luke Galea 90.8.
DUX Award: Declan Burt
Music Concert
Congratulations to all the staff and students who were involved in the end of year music concert. Our students’ talent, dedication and passion to music really showed in their performances. Thank you to Ms. Taylor Van Orsouw for her exemplary leadership and to the Music Team for a spectacular event. An unforgettable night full of music and joy!
College Captains
It is with immense pride to introduce the 2025 Captains.
Congratulations to:
College Captains:
Performing Arts Captain:
Sports Captain:
Congratulations to all candidates for their outstanding speeches, exemplar applications, interviews and more importantly for having the courage to show up be seen and heard.. The 2025 Delahey Student Leadership Team will be introduced at the first campus assembly next year. The captains across all campuses will be congratulated by the College Principal and Campus Principals on Wednesday 11 December at morning tea.
Alumni Program
In collaboration with Ourschool, Copperfield College commences the Alumni Program. Ourschool is a not-for-profit service helping former public school students connect with their old secondary schools to benefit students and strengthen their school communities. Alumni can be inspirational, relatable role models for current students. They can provide work experience opportunities and career guidance, establish scholarships and bequests, or volunteer in lots of other ways. We look forward to this strong partnership.
I would like to thank our amazing staff, students and families for another fantastic year. Everyone has worked extremely hard to provide the very best education and support to our students in empowering them to aspire and achieve.
Congratulations to all students for the way you display commitment to the campus, to the college and your own education. You are to be commended for you have achieved so much this year, in your own personal quests, scholastic progress and career pathways.
To the parents and families, thank you for entrusting us with the education and wellbeing of your children. Your support and partnership has been invaluable, as we honour the amazing individuals they are, and help them discover the confident and empowered young people they can be.
On behalf of all the staff at the Delahey Campus, wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
Soula Dedes
Delahey Campus Principal
Ms Soula Dedes Campus Principal