Community Notices

Support for your kids to get active
Does your child love sport and being active? Does your family have a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card? You may be eligible for up to $200 to put towards the cost of your child’s participation in physical activities.
As children return to sport over the coming months, the Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and active recreation activities.
Under the program, children may be eligible to receive up to $200 to help with the cost of membership and registration fees, uniforms, and equipment.
The program also provides a special consideration stream to support children residing in care services as well as temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants or international students.
Applications for vouchers in round three of the program close at 5pm Tuesday 30 November.
For eligibility requirements and to apply, visit the Get Active Victoria website.
Vaping Information from Victoria Police
The use of Vapes and eCigarettes is a growing area of concern for young people. The community police have distributed this fact sheet to all schools in the area to help us understand the dangers in the practice.
Need extra, human support while doing home school? Free online homework and study help
Studiosity is the anytime, online study and homework help service, available to any family for FREE thanks to Brimbank Libraries. There are two ways students can get help:
- Connect Live: Students can ask a question and be quickly connected to a real, qualified Subject Specialist via typed or audio live chat, for help with English, Maths, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Business Studies, and more.
- Writing Feedback: Students can upload any essay or written draft and receive detailed feedback from a real writing specialist, that helps them think about and improve their own work.
Studiosity is already used and approved by over 70% of Australia’s public universities, as well as hundreds of public libraries and schools across the country. You can see more about how it works, here:
How to get started
Head to the Library website, all you need is your Library member number and password.
If you love reading, have you seen a street library in your area?
Street Libraries are a beautiful home for books, planted in your front yard. They are accessible from the street, and are an invitation to share the joys of reading with your neighbours.
Street Libraries are a window into the mind of a community; books come and go; no-one needs to check them in or out. People can simply reach in and take what interests them; when they are done, they can return them to the Street Library network, or pass them on to friends.If anyone has a book or two that they think others would enjoy, they can just pop it into any Street Library they happen to be walking past. They are a symbol of trust and hope – a tiny vestibule of literary happiness.Find out more here
Ambulance Membership
What does Cover Give Me?
Ambulance Victoria Membership cover gives you protection against the cost of world class emergency treatment and transport services delivered by highly skilled and dedicated paramedics, aided by state-of-the-art equipment and resources. Specifically it includes:
- All emergency road ambulance transport;
- All MICA (Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance) attendance and treatment;
- All emergency air ambulance and clinically necessary non-emergency air ambulance;
- All ambulance treatment when transport is not required;
- All clinically necessary non-emergency patient transport;Emergency ambulance treatment and transport services provided while interstate.
- Membership Services Contact Us
Call: 1300 366 141
Mon-Fri: 8am-8pm
Sat: 9am-5pm
A kind reminder to students and families of the safety and road rules for the use of an e-scooter in Victoria. We ask that you refer to the Victoria Police Website for full information: We note specifically that in order to legally ride an e-scooter in Victoria, a person must:
- be at least 16 years old
- wear a helmet,
- ride only on roads with a speed limit of 60km/h or less and on bike or shared paths (and not ride on a footpath)
- not travel more than 20km/h
- not ride a high-speed e-scooter capable of more than 25km/h
- not use a mobile phone
- not carry a passenger (dinking).
We ask that students using an e-scooter adhere to all safety and road rules (
Bullying – important conversations to have with your child
Copperfield College is participating in the Bullying No Way: National week of action – 12 to 16 August 2024.
By working collaboratively within our community, we can collectively help reduce bullying.
Parents and carers play an important role in helping your child understand bullying, and know how to respond to it.
If your child tells you about things at school, or you observe something in public that involves conflict or bullying, take the opportunity to talk about what bullying is. You can learn more about what defines bullying at
Questions you could ask:
- What do you think bullying is?
- Have you seen it? How did you feel?
- Have you ever felt scared at school because of bullying?
- As well as me, who are the other adults you would talk to when it comes to things like bullying?
- Have you or your friends left other kids out on purpose? Do you think that was bullying? Why or why not?
- Have you ever tried to help someone who is being bullied? What happened? What would you do if it happens again?
Remind your child that bullying is never okay and discuss how they can respond safely if they experience or witness it.
Encourage them to seek help from a trusted adult and keep seeking support if needed.
By promoting open communication, we empower children to stand up against bullying and create a safer environment where everyone can feel that they belong.
For more information, visit