from the Assistant Principal
Mrs Cathy Koch
Mrs Jacqueline Wait
from the Assistant Principal
Mrs Cathy Koch
Mrs Jacqueline Wait
Around the school...
K-6 will hold their Family Meet and Greet evening this coming Tuesday 18 February between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm. K-6 students are encouraged to bring their families to their classroom to acquaint them with the organisation, expectations, regular happenings and other procedures of their class. This is also an opportunity for questions and for families to introduce themselves to the classroom teacher. Please advise the classroom teacher if you are unable to attend and they will ensure any handouts will be sent home with your child. We look forward to welcoming families to this event.
Students have begun demonstrating Being Ready to Learn, arriving for their first week at school prepared with their class stationery requirements and proudly wearing their uniform. Strengthening a focus on learning, students are reminded of the importance of getting a good night's sleep and eating a variety of healthy foods to help them concentrate better on the teaching and learning during class time, working towards their potential. Taking care of themselves helps students make good choices throughout the school day.
“All students, all staff: People have a better day because I am here as part of the HTS team.” Teachers and students have together begun constructing their classroom Code of Conduct, identifying how individually and collectively they contribute to the positivity of the classroom environment. The Living Well Learning Well rules of living - I am safe, I am valued, respected and cared for, I am a learner, are the basis of discussions and actions to promote a harmonious classroom and playground.
Parents are asked to consent via Compass promptly when these documents are shared.
The school uniform identifies the school within the community and develops a sense of school spirit and belonging within the student body. Uniforms identify our students for their own safety on and off-site and the health and safety of students when involved in school activities. Some specific uniform requirements, such as shoes, hair and jewellery, are directly related to student safety. The wearing of the correct school uniform is compulsory, and students are expected to arrive wearing it daily, ready to learn. Families are asked to ensure that each item of clothing is clearly labelled.
HTS Primary tunic; length on or just above the knee
HTS Culottes and short sleeve blue blouse
HTS White socks
HTS Short sleeve blue shirt
HTS Grey shorts
HTS Grey socks
HTS Polo Shirt
HTS Sports Shorts
HTS Tracksuit
HTS Tracksuit Jacket
HTS White socks
HTS bucket hat (compulsory - students without a hat will be asked to sit in the shade during break times)
Optional all year:
HTS Grey wool jumper
HTS Tracksuit jacket
HTS Fleece jersey (K-6)
Haircuts should be neat and of natural colour. Unacceptable styles include but are not limited to: motifs cut into the hair, dreadlocks, cuts under Number 2 blades, rats tails and unnatural colours. Hair, which touches the shoulders, should be tied back for safety reasons. Hair accessories such as ribbons, scrunchies, headbands etc, should be discreet and in the school colours of blue or white.
One pair of unadorned plain stud earrings in the lobe (no other piercings)
Simple chain such as a sacramental crucifix worn under the uniform
One bangle/bracelet
One ring
One watch
For safety reasons, students may be asked to remove jewellery for physical education and other practical activities; therefore, it should be kept to a minimum and preferably not worn on sports days.
Nails should be short and without polish.
Uniform is monitored regularly by class teachers, Leaders of Student Care and the Leadership Team. A dated note from families is required if a student is not in the correct uniform advising when the uniform will be able to be rectified. This is to be given to the class teacher.
The school will endeavour to work with families to keep the standard for uniform and presentation high. Please contact Mrs Rainger if you have financial difficulties in relation to uniform.
Fletcher White, Millie Maddigan
Will Bloch, Ben De Stefani, Tom Ditchfield, Sienna Irwin, Ella McGavin, Harper Will
House Captains
Marks: Liam Guest, Milla Lynch
Johns: Digby Brazier, Millie Dyer-Cleal
Pauls: Peyton Childs, Cali O’Connor
Leos: Leo Schiller, Audrey Stewart
3-6 Class Representatives
3M - Maddi Waddell
3S - Zara Caskey
4L - Kassidy Smith
4WL - Harlow Lea
5B - Nayte Golding
5F - Bailey Brand
5M - Harper Swadling
6D - Wez Buxton
6G - Kate Parrella
Archie Taylor-Connolly, Luca Johnson, Sienna Bourke, Kason Davis, Louis East, Layla Hancock, Hunter Brazier, Kaleb Holder, Phoebe Hollingworth, Rafe Waller, Peyton Childs, Jeremy East, Zac Read, Sloane Garrett, Ava Reynolds, Xian Saludes, Millie McPhee, Kirstein Afable, Arpit Josan, Archie Bloch, Leah Lowrie, Bella McAlister, Chloe Tasker, Rocco Pettiford,
Adeline Devlin, Jack Gold, Cohen White, Joey Van Der Merwe, Harriet Devlin, Jordan Younger, Shivani Biju, Hunter James, Freya Grima, Isla Ticehurst, Jackson Dawson, Amariah Rennie, Fallon James, Adaline Vickery, Chandler Ria, Oliver Swahn Jorgenson, Ruby Waddell, Aliarna Dye, Savannah Stevens and Jaxon Prosser
Robyn Ditchfield KD
Erin Muggleton KM
Laurelle Wales 1W
Tania Moore 1M
Carmel McCosker 2M
Cath Doyle 2D
Terri-Lea Selig 3S
Elissa Murphy 3M
Casey Lea 4L
Amanda White 4WL
Cath Lane 4WL
Peter Baz 5B
Kate McCosker 6M
Courtney Fleming 5F
Jaide Daniels 6D
Aimee Gaias 6G
Sam Gleeson RFF + Sport
Maryann Wilson RFF
Katrina Morris RFF
Madlen Heap RFF + EALD
Mr Peter Baz
Mrs Jaide Daniels
Mrs Robyn Ditchfield
Mrs Cath Doyle
Miss Courtney Fleming
Mrs Aimee Gaias
Mrs Samantha Gleeson
Mrs Madlen Heap
Mrs Catherine Lane
Mrs Casey Lea
Miss Carmel McCosker
Miss Kate McCosker
Mrs Tania Moore
Mrs Katrina Morris
Mrs Erin Muggleton
Mrs Elissa Murphy
Mrs Terri-Lea Selig
Mrs Laurelle Wales
Mrs Amanda White
Mrs Mary Ann Wilson