Mrs Mary-Jane Guest
Mrs Mary-Jane Guest
Welcome to the 2025 school year. I hope everyone had a restful break and had the opportunity to spend time with family and friends over the holidays.
We begin our new school year with the commissioning of our elected student leaders for 2025. The Induction Mass will be held this Friday, 14 February, in the Holy Trinity School Hall beginning at 9:15am.
Family and friends are welcome to attend the Mass as we celebrate those who have been chosen as our school leaders for 2025.
Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year with the theme Pilgrims of Hope, inviting Catholics worldwide to renew their faith and embrace a journey of spiritual renewal, unity, and service. A Jubilee Year is a special time of grace, marking an opportunity for deeper prayer, reconciliation, and acts of love and mercy. As a school community, we are called to reflect on how we can be pilgrims of hope - bringing kindness, peace, and faith into our daily lives. Throughout the year, we will explore ways to grow in hope, walk together in faith, and respond to God’s call to love one another. Let us embark on this jubilee year with open hearts, seeking to make a positive difference in our school, our homes and wider community.
Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope
Please note that school Mass times are 9:30am at Sacred Heart Church. Please remember that hot beverages should not be brought into the church.
6:00pm Saturday evenings
9:00am Sunday mornings
Friday 14 February
- Induction Mass 9:15am HTS Hall
Friday 21 February
- 5M Mass 9:30am at SHC
Friday 28 February
- 2M Prayer Celebration 9:30am at SHC
Wednesday 5 March
- Ash Wednesday Liturgy at HTS 9:15am
Friday 7 March
- Year 10 Mass 9:30am at SHC
Friday 14 March
- 6G Mass 9:30am at SHC
Friday 21 March
- No Mass
Friday 28 March
- 4L Mass 9:30am at SHC
Friday 4 April
- 2D Prayer Celebration 9:30am at SHC
Friday 11 April
- Easter Liturgy at HTS TTBC
Have a great week, God Bless
Mary-Jane Guest
Religious Education Coordinator