Mrs Jillian Rainger
Mrs Jillian Rainger
It was fantastic to see our students return happily last week. The buzz of students catching up with their friends and being excited about the new year ahead makes the first days of the school year delightful. Watching our Kindergarten students starting yesterday is also a great joy. There were no tears...not from the children at least!
Our staff had two extremely productive professional learning days at the end of January in preparation for 2025. The dates of our Pupil Free days are in the Upcoming Dates section of the newsletter. These days will allow for staff to continue their professional learning as well as working on the new syllabus rollout.
We had 25 new students start across Years 1-10. I caught up with these students at the end of last week and it was pleasing to hear how welcomed our students made them feel. The kindness shown to new students is a credit to our students.
We also had new staff begin. Over the coming newsletters, we will have photos of our staff teams. This week it is our Admin Staff.
We welcome Katrina Leader to the Front Office. As part of our move to Year 11 and 12, we have increased our team in the Front Office. Katrina is our Receptionist (students). Emma Bourke and Cherie Felton share the second receptionist role for families and visitors. Emma also looks after our communication and Cherie's student attendance. Dee Delaney is our Finance Officer and Cathy Dyer is our Office Manager and my secretary. Anna McCudden works on Tuesdays in our office working through the files! We are lucky to have a hard-working and dedicated administration team.
Lots of work has been happening in preparation for Years 11 and 12 starting in 2026. In the Secondary section of the newsletter, you will read about the six new teaching staff members who will support the growth of our student population. We are delighted to have these new members of staff. We are currently organising new curriculum, and student subject selection booklets and preparing for our Community Information Evening in Week 9.
There will be opportunities for family input to a number of areas such as Stage 6 uniform, Graduation traditions, Student Leaders and Awards to name a few. Input will be requested and can be given by a survey or in person at forums held at school. The first session will be on Stage 6 uniform and the process will begin in Week 5.
School Photo Envelopes have been sent home. Please fill out and put money in an envelope or include the number from your online payment (envelope still need to be completed and returned if you pay online). One envelope per student.
Family photo order envelopes are available from the Front Office; students can collect one to take home if they would like a family photo.
We are finalising many dates for the year ahead. We will share these as soon as they are finalised.
Please remember we have a number of ways of communicating with our families:
Please contact the Front Office if you cannot access Compass.
Please contact the school office if your child is absent from school. It is a legal requirement that families inform the school when their child is absent.
As our school is growing the traffic at 3:20pm is increasing. Please take the time to be familiar with the parking regulations around the school.
If your child catches a bus to and from school please collect their bus pass from your bus company. Students must carry their pass at all times. Attached are expectations for students travelling on Cavanagh's buses.
Thanks for sending your children to HTS! We are lucky to have them! Remember I am always happy to chat with all families and children if you have any concerns,
Have a good fortnight,