Parent Information

Family Support - We are here to help
Happy New Year everyone!
We hope and pray that everyone has been able to enjoy some ‘down time’ over the course of the school holidays - some time to relax, rejuvenate, and reconnect with family and friends away from the rigor of school routine.
But we also know that for some families, this time might have presented some changes or challenges that you are still working through.
Of course, your child’s teacher will be interested in hearing about these kinds of things as they may potentially have a bearing on the wellbeing of your child. We also have other staff members who are here to help.
Renee Baker and Sonia Hulme (Wellbeing Support) and Georgie Schuster (Family Support) are also available to lend a listening ear and see how they can help lighten the load.
Feel free to contact Renee (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) here
Sonia (Wednesday, Thursday) here
Or Georgie (Tuesday to Friday) here
We look forward to walking through the year together.
Renee, Sonia and Georgie
School Student Broadband Initiative
The School Student Broadband Initiative has been extended until Friday 30 June 2028!
The School Student Broadband Initiative is an Australian Government program that offers free home internet to families and carers who look after school age children, that do not have a current nbn home internet connection.
To qualify for this offer:
- You must be caring for a school age student at your home.
- Must not have an active nbn connection at your home now or in the past 14 days. (Having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility).
- Must live in a property that can access the nbn network through a standard connection.
What’s included in the offer?
- Free home internet until June 2028
- Free WI-FI router (you can keep it)
- No lock in contract
- Choice of participating internet providers
- Ongoing support from the National Referral Centre to apply – callback, webchat, and interpreting services available
Contact the National Referral Centre to apply on 1800 954 610 Monday - Friday, 10am - 6pm (AEDT) or visit this website.
Growing Faith Moments
Dear School Families,
Welcome to 2025! I pray that everyone is settling into their new learning environments and routines.
Sometimes it can be hard to talk about God. You may wonder where to begin! You might think it is just easier to leave it to the ‘experts’ and let them handle it.
Here are some resources from Grow Ministries that offer ideas to try at home. They help to nurture faith and your connection with your children. There is a ‘Beginning School’ resource for families with children in Foundation. There is also a ‘Back to School’ option for older students who are continuing their learning journey.
You might like to share these Caring Conversation starters with your family as well!