
I am accepted!

To be accepted means that one is regarded favourably and is given approval.


During the break from school, I had a big clean out at my house.  I sorted through my clothes, my children’s clothes, we sorted through our ‘special boxes’ to see if things were still special and ‘regarded favourably’.  


Some things we donated, some things like an old chair ended up in bulk rubbish because it was worn and broken.  Other things like my first pair of shoes are still important to me and accepted into my house.


These things and belongings don’t have emotions or feelings, so they don’t feel or need to feel accepted.  But as humans we do have feelings and emotions and we long to be accepted and belong. 


Sometimes in life we can feel like we are being sorted and put aside to donate, that is the feeling of rejection.

Maybe a sibling doesn’t make contact as much as we would like.

Maybe a friend has said something mean on purpose!

Sometimes your partner is busy and cannot help as you would like.

Maybe you didn’t get into a sport team or place of study that you really wanted to join.


You feel rejected … unloved … alone …


One of the many things that I love about Good Shepherd is that if feels like home to me!  I feel – accepted, loved, appreciated, important, heard – I feel like I belong! 


I believe that I feel accepted here at Good Shepherd because the staff and community around the school follow what it says in the Bible in Romans 15:7; 

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.


Jesus (Christ) has shown that he accepts us 

  • He told his disciples to Let the little children come to him … get to know him and hang out with him – Accepted!
  • In John the bible talks about us being God’s Child and Jesus’ friend – Accepted!
  • It says in Colossians - We have been forgiven and redeemed – this means because of Jesus we can directly talk to God – Accepted!
  • He died on the cross so that we can have a relationship with God the Father – Accepted!

I believe that God has placed each of us in this school and in this community for a reason.  My prayer is that today, next week, and throughout the year… you feel like you belong because others in the community show that they accept you for who you are… because God accepts each of us.


So may you feel like the special things in my box – accepted, special, and that you belong here at Good Shepherd.



Sunday Service Times at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Informal Friday Evening Service at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Did you know that here at Good Shepherd Lutheran church we offer different kinds of services? Our first Informal Friday Evening Service for the year is coming up on Friday, February 14th at 7pm in the church café. 


The theme is ‘So... What is a Christan anyway?'

The service is informal, visitor friendly, and interactive. Come along... Invite your friends and neighbours... We’d love to see you! 

2025 Worship Song Playlist

Do you find yourself wondering what songs we sing in Wednesday Worship? Do your children come home singing some of the songs? We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd School Worship Song Playlist on YouTube. To find a selection of songs that we sing, click here and start singing along!