Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.

Term 4 Week 8

PABidia HFor the incredible resilience and dedication you bring to school each and every day! Bidia, you embrace every new experience like an absolute champion. Keep up the great work!  
PBJack QFor amazing dedication and passion for reading. I love talking about books and the brilliant things you have read. Keep up the great work, Jack!
PCBobbi TFor your creative thinking when making a tower for Rapunzel. Bobbi, I loved watching you try new things. I was so proud of your determination!
PDTait MFor your amazing ability to go with the flow and the way you encourage your peers to do the same! Tait, it is wonderful seeing you accept and adapt so flawlessly whenever you are faced with uncertainty. Keep it up, superstar!
PETamara VFor working so hard to practise your reading. Well done Tamara, you have improved so much! You are a Prep E superstar!
1AWinnie HFor always being such a wonderful member of 1A! Winnie you are always so respectful of others around you, you treat people with kindness and consistently try your best with everything you do. We are so lucky to have you in 1A! Keep up the great work, Winnie. 
1BGreta MFor always being such an incredible role model to your peers. You are kind, thoughtful and always try your best. We are so proud of you Greta! 
1CRoman BFor being an amazing member of 1C. Roman, you are always kind and respectful and consistently try your best in all that you do. Keep up your wonderful positive mindset! 
1DFelix DFor being a responsible, kind and hardworking member of 1D. Felix you always show your best effort and you encourage everyone to do the right thing. Well done on being a role model, keep it up superstar!
2BAll of 2BFor being such an amazing class to teach this year, you have all grown so much and I’m very lucky to work with each of you every day. Have a lovely Christmas and festive season, I’ll see you all next year. 
2CMabel MFor her fantastic work in our time unit. Mabel it has been wonderful to see you make and read o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times with such confidence. Keep up the fantastic work!
2DLola VFor being a magnificent member of 2D this year. Lola, you always show wonderful effort in class, trying your best at everything and often taking on new challenges. Keep up the amazing work, you’re a star!
3AIsa DFor being a wonderful and caring friend to her peers, supporting them in class and always offering your support. Well done Isa and keep up the fantastic effort! 
3BHudson KFor demonstrating amazing skills in his writing. Hudson, your engagement toward your learning is showing your full potential as a learner. Keep it up, legend!
3CBilly DBilly, you have had an incredible year and I’m very proud of all of your efforts! You have worked so hard and reached and exceeded many of your learning goals. You are a fantastic role model to those around you! Keep up the fantastic work.
3DKarim EFor your incredible work in inventing a product for the science fair! Your ideas have been very creative and you should be very proud of how hard you are working. Well done, Karim!
4AEloise WFor your amazing work ethic and determination. Eloise, you approach all of your work with a hugely positive attitude and a determination to complete work that is of the absolute highest quality. The growth that you are achieving this year is all due to this awesome internal drive. Keep it up!
4BQuinn DFor a very gripping and entertaining narrative that included excellent author's craft. Quinn, your writing has really improved over the course of the year and you should be very proud of your growth.
4CCaitlin PFor the maturity and focus she demonstrates in the classroom. Caitlin continues to model exemplary learning behaviours in the classroom. She listens attentively during discussions, contributes her ideas and always completes her activities. Well done on a great year Caitlin!
4DMila BFor consistently demonstrating excellent listening skills and showing genuine respect for your learning, Mila. You are always modelling the school values, putting in a huge amount of effort with your work, and helping to build a strong classroom culture. You should be incredibly proud of yourself.
5AJac N For his passion and dedication to his writing!  Amazing work Jack!  It is wonderful to see you taking such pleasure in your writing, keep up the awesome work!
5CJack GFor your amazingly respectful behaviour this term. You have shown outstanding leadership and maturity in the classroom this week. I'm extremely proud of how you have led by example with your focus and listening. Thanks for being such a responsible student and putting so much effort in. You are a rockstar!
5DNessie TFor outstanding effort and achievement. It has been a privilege to watch you grow as a learner this year. You always display a positive attitude and have been a kind and caring member of our class. Congratulations Nessie!
6AAlex TFor your excellent responses in our Yarraville library task. You considered both sides of the story with creativity and solid evidence. Keep up the great work Alex!

Leah N



For being a respectful and courteous student who exemplifies the Wembley Values in everything she does. Her kind and caring nature creates a positive learning environment where her peers feel safe and welcomed. Leah, you are a superstar!

Term 4 Week 9

PAElia SFor the mature and thoughtful approach you have towards our school grounds. The collecting and disposing of rubbish you’d found in the yard and doing so without even being asked was truly inspirational! Well done Elia, keep being your incredible self!
PBBilly BFor your dedication and commitment to learning each and every day. You are a brilliant role model in achieving your personal best. Thank you for all of your hard work this year, Billy! Congratulations!
PCStefan KFor the amazing determination you have shown this week when creating a variety of paper planes. You have been a great help to your peers and I am so lucky to be your teacher! Well done Stefan!
PDHadley MFor consistently being a Prep D superstar and following all of our classroom expectations. You are so ready for Year One, keep it up!
PEPiper HFor showing resilience and respect during our cohort play. Piper, you are a Prep E superstar!
1AFelix HFor always showing his best efforts in class and being a fantastic role model for speaking and listening. You have been such a pleasure to have in our classroom. You are a superstar!
1BLucinda SFor always trying your best with your learning. Well done Lucinda for being such a great learner and role model in our class. We are so proud of you!
1CCharlotte RFor her consistent efforts with her learning. Charlotte, you are always trying your best in all aspects of your learning and you are such a respectful and kind member of the class. You are an absolute superstar!
1DAnaya NFor always doing your best and being a ray of sunshine in our class. Anaya, we have been really lucky to have you in our classroom this year. Your happiness and kindness has made 1D a great place to be. Well done, superstar!
2AFrank MFor his amazing effort in all areas of learning this week. Frank, I have been so impressed with how you have applied yourself to your work and you should be so proud of yourself. Awesome work!
2BHarvey VFor showing awesome effort in all learning areas this week. Thank you for being such a helpful, kind and respectful classmate to all of your peers and teachers. Well done on a wonderful week! 
2CMaisie PFor consistently putting fantastic levels of effort into everything that you do, and for being a great role model who inspires your classmates. Keep up the wonderful work!
2DAidan MFor being a phenomenal member of 2D! Aidan, you have such a positive attitude towards learning and you always apply effort into sharing answers and completing your learning tasks! Well done superstar, keep it up!
3AZali WFor being a wonderful role model to her peers and always willing to help others in the  classroom. Keep up the terrific effort Zali! 
3BRonan KFor displaying resilience and taking on feedback constructively. Ronan, I have been incredibly impressed with your work ethic toward your science fair project and you are setting a fantastic example for your peers. Keep it up, legend!
3CAidan LFor showing fantastic listening skills and being resilient when faced with any challenge. Aidan, you have worked so hard all year and should be very proud of all your efforts. Superstar you are!!!! 
3DDion ZFor being a reflective and considerate member of 3D. Dion, you have engaged in your learning at a really high standard and it is evident in the quality of your work! Well done. 
4ACharlotte GFor the way that you have developed your resilience and ability to bounce back from challenges over the course of the year. Charlotte, the way that you use strategies that work for you to help self-regulate is awesome to see, and the growth in this space is a huge achievement and something you should feel very proud of. Awesome work!
4BAria AFor successfully working on her personal growth and achieving her goals. Aria, I can see how hard you are trying and you should be so proud of your efforts. Keep up the amazing work. You are a star!
4CEvie MFor the considerate way she engaged with our ethical dilemmas discussions. Evie approached our class conversations about ethical issues in a respectful manner, listening carefully to the ideas of others and sharing her thoughts in a polite way. She was able to communicate her opinion confidently and build on the ideas of others. Amazing work Evie!
4DJacob PFor his amazing work in mathematics, showing incredible problem-solving skills with addition and subtraction. Jacob, you’ve really impressed me! You’ve tackled numbers that even gave me something to think about. Be super proud of yourself, buddy—awesome job!
5A5A WHOLE CLASSFor being an incredible class, each and every student has their own unique contributions to our wonderful classroom community!  Thank you for an incredible year together, I miss you all, already!  
5BAnnabelle DFor the extra effort you’ve been putting into your writing recently, which has truly paid off. Your strong work ethic has allowed you to improve upon your conventions, and it’s been a pleasure reading your work. Keep it up!
5CRomy PFor your amazing effort and attitude towards your learning. I've loved the way you have listened to my feedback this week and worked so hard. I'm extremely proud of your awesome growth mindset and how positive you are, even when something is hard. Thanks for being such a legend. You're the real MVP, Romy!
5DEily N For an outstanding year of effort and achievement. I have enjoyed sharing in your learning and watching you grow in confidence. You will be amazing in Year Six! Congratulations, Eily!
6AWillow SFor your incredible efforts towards writing Willow! You have created a beautiful memoir book, as well as great shared memoirs with your friends. Well done, Willow!
6BLana BFor your hard work and efforts towards your writing and work in general. Lana, you’ve taken care to include passion and emotions in your individual and shared memoirs, which has highlighted your primary school journey beautifully. You’ve demonstrated independence to return to tasks and complete them to your best! Well done, Lana!
6CThomas SFor showing great resilience and an increased confidence in the belief within himself, and towards his learning. Tom has been working hard in Writing and this was particularly evident in the presentation of his memoirs. Well done Tom!





Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.