Student Awards  - Term 1




FOUNDATION B - Jayden N for settling into school life and making new friends. Keep smiling!


FOUNDATION M - Jax R for making a big effort to settle into school. Well done, Jax! 



FOUNDATION L - Penelope R for a positive transition to Foundation and a great start to the year.



YEAR 1/2E - Emilia N for confidently starting the school year and reflecting on her strengths as a learner. 


YEAR 1/2PH - Kyle C for confidently joining in with our class discussions and contributing some positive ideas.



YEAR 1/2D - Gabriella D for confidently showing understanding and helping new students in our class. 



YEAR 1/2K - Lucas P for being a shining example of confidence and showing great courage in sharing his ideas and participating in activities throughout the week. Well done Lucas!



YEAR 1/2L- Lewis S for settling well into his new learning environment and demonstrating a positive attitude towards all aspects of school.


YEAR 1/2FJ - Devon M for confidently making good decisions about her learning. Thanks for trying your best this week!


YEAR 3/4D - Andres A for settling in beautifully at St. Mark's. It is really lovely to see that you have made so many new (and old) friends.



YEAR 3/4N - Evie C for being so polite, welcoming and funny during the first week of school. She is such a pleasure to have in 3/4N!


YEAR 3/4KC - Victoria S for being friendly and welcoming to all our class members in our first week at school. Thank you Victoria!


YEAR 3/4K - Danica L for settling into St. Mark's community with a positive attitude and friendly disposition.



YEAR 3/4M - Marisol D for settling into Year 3 with confidence, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude! Keep up the amazing work Marisol!



YEAR 5/6K -  Autumn M for settling into the routine of Year 6 quickly and efficiently, demonstrating how to be an effective learner to your peers. Well done on a great start, Autumn!


YEAR 5/6S- Ethan P for the enthusiasm and warm welcome he has shown to his classmates in the first week back at school! Helping to build a positive and happy atmosphere in 56S :)



YEAR 5/6MV - Nikko C for always helping others and taking pride in ensuring theclassroom is a safe and clean place to learn. We value what you doto make MV beautiful.


YEAR 5/6R - Henry T for welcoming and showing respect to his peers and going out of his way to lend a helping hand. Keep up the amazing work!


YEAR 5/6P -  Marc C for having a positive impact on our class and helping his class mates around him settle into the school year. Well done Marc!