R.E. News

Religious Education News - Week 2 Term 1


Religious Education Dates for 2025



  • Saturday 16th August- Sacrament of Confirmation – 1pm and 3pm
    • Wednesday 4th June - Confirmation Information Night - 6pm
    • Saturday 24th May - Confirmation Commitment Mass - 5pm
    • Wednesday 18th June- Confirmation Reflection Day
    • Thursday 14th August - Confirmation Reconciliation service - 11:40am


  • Wednesday 19th March - Sacrament of Reconciliation Parent/Child Information Night at 6pm
  • Wednesday 28th May - Sacrament of Reconciliation - 6pm


  • Wednesday 30th July - First Eucharist Parent/Child Information Night at 6pm 
  • Saturday 9th August – First Eucharist Commitment Mass – 5pm
  • Thursday 23rd October - Eucharist Reflection Day
  • Thursday 23rd October -  Reconciliation at 11:40am and practise
  • Saturday 25th October - Sacrament of First Eucharist mass at 5pm
  • Sunday 26th October - Sacrament of First Eucharist mass at 9:30am

Whole School Mass/Events

  • Friday 7th  February – Beginning of School mass – 2:10pm - (Staff Commissioning)
  • Wednesday 5th March – Ash Wednesday Mass at 9:00am
  • Friday 21st March- Year 6 leaders attending the Catholic Ed Week mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral
  • Friday 21st March - Harmony Day
  • Friday 4th April - Easter paraliturgy at 12:45pm
  • Thursday 24th  April - St Mark’s Feast Day mass at 2:10pm & activities 11.40 & 1.30
  • Friday 16th May - Family Week mass at 2:10pm and activities during the day 
  • Friday 6th June - Reconciliation Week liturgy (assembly) and activities in own class
  • Friday 4th July - Naidoc Week assembly (1pm)
  • Friday 15th August - Feast of the Assumption Mass at 9am
  • Friday 7th November - St Francis Blessing of the animals service from 9am to 9:15am
  • Tuesday 11th November - Remembrance Day service at 10:55am
  • Thursday 11th December   - Year 6 Graduation at 6pm 
  • Monday 15th December - End of School Mass at 9am - TBC

Junior Information Nights

  • Preps in Pyjamas – Wednesday 11th June at 6pm

Beginning of School Mass

On Friday 7th February the whole school will be celebrating mass at 2:10pm in the church. During the service the staff will be commissioned and the Year 6 leaders presented with their badges. All families are welcome to attend.


Children’s Liturgy

The reintroduction of Children's Liturgy at St Mark's Church is up and running and looking for more volunteers! 

The Children's Liturgy provides a great opportunity for primary aged children to engage with the gospel in a way that is accessible and meaningful to them. It runs every Sunday at the St Mark's 9:30am mass during school terms. At the start of mass the Children’s Liturgy adult leaders take the primary school age children into the hall for a small lesson and activity about the gospel of the day. Parents are welcome to join the session if they would like. If any parents are interested in volunteering to help with the Sunday sessions, please email Andrew Davies - andrew@smdingley.catholic.edu.au


Gospel Reflection by Dianne Bergant CSA

Today we consider the call to continue the mission of Jesus by engaging in some form of ministry. The first and the last readings are call narratives; the epistle contains a statement of the faith that undergirds our response to our call; the psalm response celebrates the gracious goodness of God that makes all of this possible.

Our call is more than a summons to faith; it is a call to ministry. Isaiah is called in order to be sent; the fishermen are called in order to gather others to Jesus. So it is with us. We are called to be sent out to the world. This call comes to us in the ordinariness of life. It will usually come to us as we wash our nets or our dishes, as we teach or raise children, as we prepare a brief for trial or examine a patient; as we repair cars or work at the computer. The call of God comes to us in the ordinariness of life.

We are called to proclaim the message of the resurrection by any and every means possible. Some, like Isaiah and the disciples of Jesus, will witness in open and dramatic ways. They will teach and preach; they will nurse the sick and care for the elderly. Others will witness in less conspicuous ways. They will insist on fair practices in their own workplaces; they will weed out expressions of prejudice and violence so that a new and just world can be fashioned for themselves and for their children. Called in the ordinariness of their lives, they will witness to the death and resurrection in that very ordinariness, thus transforming everything into extraordinariness.