Class Parent Representatives

The Class Parent Representative is an important role at EHPS in building connection and community within our school. Class Parent Representatives:

  • Become a point of contact for other parents in the class. 
  • Collate and maintain the class contact list.
  • Play a role in reminding and following up on things like excursions, working bees, Showcase, PFC activities e.g. Mother’s and Father's Day stalls, etc. 
  • May take a role in arranging social events for the parents in one class or across a year level. 
  • May be asked by teachers to arrange classroom helpers, excursion assistants, sport support, class working bees, and so on. 
  • Expected to liaise with the Executive of our EHPS Parents & Friends Club (PFC) to provide support for our community building events and/or fundraisers. 

We are grateful to the following parents who nominated for the role and have been confirmed as the Class Parent Reps for 2024:

PDBRianna Wells
PGDBorris Zhao
PHAlison Patchett
PZChloe Hong
1EPElima Pozenel
1MKen Hui & Shen Shen Loh
1PMasi Vafaeishooshtare
1WGNeha Choudhary & Prakash Choudhary
2BSAida Brydon
2FMellissa Yong
2HAshleigh Anthony
2JPia Ahmet
34FZoe Bright
34LCarolyn (Caz) Mott
34REdwina McCarthy
34TSam Watson & Vasuda Kher
34ZPooja Hegde
5LPaul Chandra
5PRuchi Lingampalli
5RPooja Sharma
6BCarrie Giacometti & Kim Doan
6CChristine Smith
6DBetty Ciorciari

An invitation to the Class Parent Reps has been issued to attend an afternoon tea meeting to be held on Thursday 14 March.