Hello from Grade 3/4 M.B

Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

Hello from Grade 3/4 Morrison-Blunck


This week we thought we'd get each gardening group to report on what they did in our session on Wednesday morning, which thankfully was overcast and pretty pleasant, temperature wise. Scroll through the gallery to see what we got up to.



In gardening the caterpillars were watering bed 7 and turning over the soil to make the undersoil moist. We used watering cans to water and trowels to turn the soil. 


The Rainbow Orbeez 

In gardening our group was digging potatoes out of bed 1. We collected a whole tub of potatoes, which we are going to roast. We then watered the garden bed.


                                                              THE ROSES NEWSLETTER 

In gardening we pulled out the corn stalks.

We also chopped up the corn stalks with secateurs, then we tipped them into the chook run. We all had a blast doing Gardening.



 We moved compost from bay 1 to bay 2 using shovels, and it got crazy because another group was splashing water everywhere, but we got a lot of work done.