Hello, from Carolyn.

Respect, responsibility and kindness

Hello everyone,

Athletics Day Thursday 7th.

A reminder that we have our Athletics Day next week. Please check the Sentral app to complete the permission form. Laura has more information about the day on the PE page in this week's timetable. Our Athletics Day always runs more smoothly with plenty of parent helpers so please let Laura know if you can help. All parent/carer helpers must have a current Working with Children Check.


Being Sunsmart.

All our students must wear a sunsmart hat when outside for play or learning anytime UV levels are predicted to reach 3 or higher. We use the Sunsmart widget on our school website to check predicted UV levels. Students are encouraged to bring their own sunscreen to school to apply before heading outside. We are updating sunscreen supplies in classrooms so students can also access sunscreen if they don't have their own. Teachers will give reminders to students to 'Slap on their hat and slop on some sunscreen'.


Clean Up Australia Day- a message from our SLC.

On Friday the 8th of March Violet Street students will be participating in Clean Up Australia Day from 2:10-2:40pm. We encourage you bring your own pair of gloves and (if possible) a biodegradable bag. 

Some classes will be cleaning and picking up rubbish around the school, while others will be working closely around Violet Street’s neighbourhood. We hope this is the first step to making our environment a cleaner and more suitable place for everyone living and learning in it.


Violet Street SLC


Our expected behaviours at Bendigo PS.


School Council elections.

Nomination forms are now available from the office. I hope some of you are keen to join our school council and will be calling in to fill out a form!


Have an enjoyable weekend!

Warm regards,



School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.