Team Foundation News

Daily Reading Routine in the Foundation classrooms
Congratulations to all Foundation students and their families for continuing to have a smooth transition to primary school life! I have been slowly introducing the FKJ students to our daily reading routine and they have been managing this new process with enthusiasm and confidence.
Each morning the students place their reader bag onto their tables and share the reader that they read the previous night with their table buddy. This is a good opportunity for developing confidence to orally share their knowledge of the book and discuss particular features, such as the characters.
The next step is to independently choose a new reader from their reader box. Students complete a picture walk of this book, where they look through the pages to gain further knowledge of what the text may be about and to also make personal connections and predictions.
The last step involves students exploring individual letters, words and sounds within the text. Students are encouraged to copy letters and words onto a mini whiteboard which will assist them to build their phonemic awareness and visual memory.
It has been great to see students taking responsibility and engaging in this process each morning. I will look forward to seeing them develop into confident and motivated young readers throughout the year!
Echi Echidna 2024 Adventures!
In Week 3 Bella shared her wonderful adventures with Echi Echidna with her class. Bella was incredibly brave to be the first FKJ student to share her adventures with all of her classmates.
Echi had some exciting adventures with Bella. He listened to her play the piano, read books and even celebrated Chinese New Year with her family! Bella also took Echi on an adventure to the local park and swung on the swings and went down the slide, very fast! What a wonderful time Echi had at Bella's house! Thank you so much Bella for sharing your fantastic adventures with your grade. We all enjoyed listening to you adventures with Echi!
In Week 4 Alicia happily shared her exciting Echi adventures with the class. Week 4 was a special week for Alicia as it was also her birthday week!
Alicia had some fun adventures with this cuddly fellow! They read books together, played with cars, wrote birthday invitations and celebrated Alicia's Mummy's birthday! Her favourite adventure that she had with Echi was singing, ' Happy Birthday' to her mum and eating the delicious cheesecake! Yum!
Thank you Alicia for sharing this fun week with Echi - we thoroughly enjoyed listening to your fun tales!
We look forward to seeing and hearing about more Echi adventures in the future!