Walk and Wheel Wednesdays

I am very excited to announce that Walk and Wheel Wednesdays recommenced in week 2. We have had so many students walking and wheeling to school over the last 2 weeks. Congratulations to 6LK who has the school's highest score in 2024, with 63% of their class walking or wheeling to school. In week 3 we had over half the school walk or wheel to school!
Walk and Wheel Wednesdays have so many benefits including:
- Reduced traffic congestion
- Keeping our bodies active
- Extra quality time with family and friends.
If you live far away or the weather is not ideal for walking, your family can park the car close by and walk part of the way to school.
Wheeling can include various modes of transport including bike, scooter, skateboard, and unicycle. There will be an award for the class with most walkers and wheelers in Junior School (Foundation- Grade 2) and Middle/Senior School (Grades 3- 6)
Walk or Wheel to school.
It is cool and definitely ideal.
Don't use a car, and be a star.
When our world needs better car, you'll be there!
So, don't think twice, get to school fast and nice.
Wonderful poem by Amelia in 6HR
The “Walk and Wheel” Art Gallery has re-opened. Please send any drawings or poems to 6HR so that we can celebrate our budding artists.