Performing Arts

Students have been going great in Performing Arts so far this term! Below is a summary of activities that we have been doing in each year level:




Year 5/6 students have started working on a project where they use their understanding of the five basic elements of Music (Melody, Harmony, Timbre, Tempo and Dynamics) to create sound effects for an animation film. They have been using instruments inside the Performing Arts room, body percussion and natural resources to create sound effects. For example, students have used the tap water/shower to create the sound of rain, or using the drums to replicate the sound of thunder.




Students have been learning about drama from different cultures and time periods - Peking Opera, Shakespearean plays and Television Drama. We discussed how actors in each drama form uses their voices and body to act, and students gave it a go themselves during lessons. Students will be starting an assignment soon where they have to act out a simple script using the characteristics of each drama form. I look forward to seeing what they will produce! 




Year 2 students have been using picture and word prompts to create and improvise dance moves. With their understanding of the elements of dance, students will start a project soon where they use the prompt "a day at the beach" to create 5 dance moves. Students have also been learning a dance choreography on the song "Waka Waka" in lessons. 



Foundation and year 1 students have been exploring the elements of dance in lessons recently. They have been practicing safe dance routines such as warming up and cooling down before and after dances, as well as exploring how they can use their bodies to dance and create different shapes.