


This forthnight in French:


-Foundation students have continued to listen and practise greetings through a song called "Bonjour mes amis". They are becoming familiar with words like bonjour, je m'appelle, comment t'appelles tu, comment allez-vous, ça va bien merci. They are tracing French words and honing motorskills on worksheets that contain French vocabulary.


-Grade 1 and 2 listened to the introduction to the Ma Famille song, exploring vocabulary relating to family through Alain Le Lait's song. It is a very entertaining song as it has very entertaining visuals and a very catchy tune.


-Grade 3 and 4 have explored the topic of community by looking at French vocabulary relating to what is in a town: words like supermarché, museé, café and église


-Grade 5 and 6 looked at places in their community through vocabulary of the first verse from a Languagenut song entitled "Quand je vais à l'école". They have copied, translated and recorded vocabulary to demonstrate organisation and pronunciation skills. 

Students have posted, on Seesaw,  work of the first verse as evidence of application and progress. There have been some wonderful examples of singing and memorisation.



Madame Higgins