Principal Report

Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Open Classrooms

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it into school to attend our Open Classrooms. We hope you enjoyed learning about your child's learning program for 2024 and having the opportunity to meet teachers. 


Please find attached information about each team and the programs for 2024. These were sent home via COMPASS earlier in the week. 



We will be rescheduling our Welcome back BBQ - our Community Engagement team will send information out to the community when a new date has been set. 

Out of School Hours Care Provider 

This week our School Council has awarded the tender for Out of School Hours Care services at Boroondara Park Primary School to TheirCare. 


We will be working with the team from TheirCare in the next four weeks to have the service up and running for the start of Term 2. 


Our focus in 2024 will be to renew the program and ensure it meets the needs of our families. The focus for TheirCare is to ensure students have a voice in programming, menus and the OSHC space. 


Information will be sent out to all families before the end of term - everything you need to know about the service and how to book in will be provided ready for the start of Term 2. 


We are looking forward to working with TheirCare to rebuild an exciting OSHC service at BPPS. 

School Council Election Declaration 

At the time of close of nominations for School Council we had received four nominations for the parent category. As there were four vacant positions, the four nominated parents are duly elected to School Council. 


Congratulations to Nadia Pitisano, Brice Shen, Maria Maclean and Carmen Yiu. 


We look forward to these parents joining or continuing as members of our active School Council team when the first meeting of the new School Council takes place in March. 

Parent Helpers and Volunteers

Schools run successfully when parents and carers are active members of the school community. There are so many ways you can get involved. 


If you volunteer at school you must have a Working with Children Check and have participated in an OHS induction. 


We are offering a Parent Helpers Program in 2024 to support you to understand the role of a volunteer and specifically how you can assist in the classroom learning program - including hearing reading, playing maths games and supervising small groups and so much more. We are offering the Parent Helpers Program on: 

  • Monday March 4th at 2.30 - 3.30pm
  • Wednesady March 6th 9.00 - 10.00am

We will arrange an evening session for those parents unable to attend one of these two school hours sessions - date to be confirmed. 

If you can attend on March 4th or 6th we will see you in the library. 


I have attached Literacy and Numeracy Tips to Help your child in English and Chinese. I hope these give you some suggestions for supporting your child. 



Learning focus for staff in 2024 

Each year our staff participate in professional learning, which is focused around the goals set in our Annual Implementation Plan. 


This year we will be focusing on student wellbeing and inclusion. Our pupil free days will include:

  • working with Bill Rogers around student behaviour and setting a positive classroom environment 
  • building our knowledge on autism and ADHD

We will also be providing learning for parents throughout the year, stay tuned for the opportunity to provide feedback on the types of learning you would benefit from. These sessions could be sharing knowledge from within our community, learning about how we teach certain subjects or listening to a guest speaker on a specific topic. 

Safe travel to school 

Driving safely around the school supports the safety of our students, families and staff. Due the postponement of our BBQ the Safe Travel booth will be held later this term. 

The brochures attached provide information about how we can all move around the school. These will be reviewed and sent out again as part of our safe travel project. But we thought it important to remind everyone about parking restrictions, moving in a clockwise direction around the school and how you can support safe travel to school. 



We encourage all families to move in a clockwise direction when driving around the school before and after school - this enables traffic to keep moving. 


The school is serviced by three pedestrian crossing, each with a lollypop person to assist everyone to use the crossings safely. Everyone should always use the crossing, we need to teach our students this is the safest point to cross the street. Our adults using the crossing is a great way to model safe behaviour. 


A reminder from our last newsletter - 

Respect the road rules and parking signs

Illegal parking in a school zone is not only inconsiderate to other motorists, it threatens the safety of students. If Council parking officers witness a motorist breaking any of the following traffic rules, they will issue them with a fine.

  • Double-parking restricts the view of other drivers, obstructs traffic flow, and means children have to get out of the car onto the road. It also blocks the passage of any emergency vehicles that might need to pass.
  • School crossings are there to ensure children cross the road safely. Parking within 20 metres before or 10 metres after a designated school crossing is illegal.
  • The designated Kiss and Ride areas outside schools are No Parking, with a maximum two-minute standing time. This gives parents enough time to kiss and drop off/collect their kids before moving on to allow the next car to follow suit. For BPPS this is the section of Almond St between the car park gates. 
  • School zone speed limits are clearly signposted and must be adhered to.

Urgent assistance needed 

Bolinda Road has clear parking restrictions, including no parking areas. 


We have been made aware members of our community parking each morning and afternoon in no parking areas. This is making it impossible for families to use the turning circle at the end of the street. We have been informed the council has been notified and will no doubt start patrolling. 


Student safety is being put at risk in this area each afternoon in particular. Please read and follow all signs and support student safety. 

BPPS Facebook and Instagram

Don't forget to follow our social media accounts and see what is happening at school each day. Boroondara Park Primary School Facebook

Search @BoroondaraPark on Instagram to follow the school. 



Susanne Lowe
