The Fun Week That Was in Prep! 


Congratulations to our Student Of The Weeks (Week 4): 

Lachlan Z - for his courage in tackling all classroom learning tasks and inspiring his peers to have the same determination and courage. 

Kim – for her care of keeping our classroom tidy and her consistent neat work within the classroom. 



Each week our students are introduced to two new sounds. This week we have enjoyed meeting our two new characters from the Little Learners Love Literacy Program – Cooper the caterpillar which helps us remember the /c/ sound and Izzy the insect who helps us remember the /i/ sound. We wonder if students can find objects and things around them that begin with the /c/ and /i/ sound. 

Congratulations to all Prep students who have now learnt enough sounds to read some words using the letters and sounds /m/s/f/a/p/t/c/i. We have been learning to sound out and blend sounds to read words such as: 




We practised sounding out and blending to read words by doing a headband activity. Students had to read and write the word with the matching picture on their activity sheet. It was heartwarming to see students help each other and encourage other. 

We also wrote ‘invitations’ as our /i/ sound experience to our Year 5 buddies as next week we will host a Buddy Picnic all planned by our preps! Blending maths and literacy approaches! We can’t wait to update you with photos next week of this. 



Students enjoyed a scavenge for items in our school playground to practise one to one correspondence when counting. We had to plan out our counting before glueing these objects on. As a reflection we modelled doing a ‘gallery’ walk to see each others wonderful work - we were to impressed with how the students reflected with comments such as “I loved the way that Peyton used different objects to count’ and “I liked how Isaac had different colour leaves” etc. 

We also took the opportunity to practise our counting skills outside the classroom linking in with movement. Students have 3 rotating stations - bouncing the ball according to the number, jumping according to the number, passing the ball according to the number. 


Library and canteen

A friendly reminder Prep library day is Monday – therefore please remember to pack your child’s library books for Monday to return in their reader pouch. 


Canteen takes place on Fridays - subject to parent volunteer availability to run canteen. We encourage students to bring no more than $3.00. A friendly reminder of regular snacks and lunch is still required on Fridays. 


There is Classroom Cuisine for lunch orders available to order online. 



Please read through the homework menu carefully and reach out to your classroom teacher if you have any questions.


Upcoming event 

Our Preps are hosting a Buddy Picnic next Wednesday the 6th of March during school hours. This has been a learning experience in several ways - students have written an invitation to their buddies - understanding context of writing a letter whilst also planning how many plates, items of food etc they will need to cater for their buddies in numeracy. We cannot wait to share photos. There is no need to prepare anything for this - however we are looking for a few parent volunteers to help cut up fruit to serve for this event on Wednesday - between 10 - 11am. Please reach out to your classroom teacher if you are available to help. It would be much appreciated. 



  • Teacher Parent Interviews take place in week 6 (next week)– bookings via COMPASS close tomorrow Friday 1st of March – if you have any questions of troubles with booking please speak to your classroom teacher. 
  • Labour Day - public holiday on Monday March 11th 
  • Hats: please ensure your child has a wide brim hat in their school bag every day. Some students are coming to school with no hat which means they need to play on the undercover stage at recess and lunch due to our sun smart policy.