Young Leaders Day


Bryson Klein

By Leo and Logan


What is young leaders day?


Young leaders day is where kids 

from all around Victoria gather in the 

Melbourne Convention Centre to meet 

special leaders from all around Australia 

to talk about their career and we are going 

to talk about Bryson Klein.


Who is Bryson Klein?


Bryson Klynn was born in 2000 in Brisbane QLD. He is an Australian ninja warrior champion who competed in America against the world five and six and represented Australia and at the age of twenty, the youngest to ever compete and he won first place America against the world six. 


His back story


His father was a rock climbing coach and he went rock climbing with his dad when he was six years old. At the time, rock climbing was his hobby, but one day, he was climbing a tall wall. He started climbing but he was too scared. He wanted to climb down but he didn't want to at the same time.This told him to persevere and that was one of the things he told us. He became a rock climber coach until he was twenty years old. He is also really interested in engineering and drawing houses.


One day he saw this tv show called ninja warrior that originally began in Japan in late 1997 and In case you don't know, ninja warrior is a show where people compete in a challenging course with hard obstacles. Bryson Told himself that I will be on this show one day. His first appearance in Australia was ninja warrior two. 


His speech


Ok so now we’re going to talk about his speech what I found inspiring was how he used the saying fall down seven times get up eight but with examples like how his coach broke a few bones and was told he would never walk again not only was he up and running in a few months he kept rock climbing witch is how he broke his bones at night halfway up a mountain so he had to wait eight hours to get helicopter off the mountain. He told Bryson how to persevere and follow his dreams even if something was blocking his way which is exactly what he told us to. Overall Bryson Klein is a great person to meet on young leaders day and told us about how to bounce back and never give up on dreams we have.


Jane Bunn

By Amelie & Parinaz


Jane Bunn, the famous 44 year old weather reporter for 7 network news channels.  She is

fascinated by the weather because when she was at a young age she remembers watching Christmas specials made in the northern hemisphere and she asked her mother why didn't it snow in Melbourne. She wanted to figure out why it didn't snow in melbourne and since that day she dreamt of being a meteorologist. 


Jane Bunn pursued her dreams to be a weather reporter, she trained with the Bureau of meteorology’s Melbourne and one day she got posted to new south wales. She had to test the weather and tell the reports to the reporters. But time after time the weather reporters  kept saying stuff wrong! They were doing wrong reports and Jane was sick of it… She decided that she had to be a weather reporter. In 2008 she became a weather reporter and she is very proud of how far she has come. 


Jane talked about how she couldn't see the screen and wasn't allowed to turn around. When she had to point at the zones and where it was going to be sunny or rainy she couldn't see because it used to be a green screen but now it's a large television screen. She said that in front of her is a mini screen that she can see and knows where she is looking at. It takes some time to master but she is amazing at it. 


We are so grateful that she came and we got to meet her in real life. She is an inspiring woman and she deserves everything she has.

Anastasia Woolner

By: Yvette & Inez


Anastasia Woolmer  twice crowned the “Australian memory champion”. When she first came on stage. She wrote about 40 numbers on the whiteboard that a student told her. She then spent about  30 seconds memorising them. She could say them back and forth, and she only made one mistake about 15 minutes later when she tried again. The way she remembered it is that each 2 digit number had a picture in her mind. So it could end up with some wacky stuff like a banana wearing 3d glasses with a dog tail eating ice cream. You would be surprised to know that she didn’t always have the best memory. Back when she was a kid they had to study facts. All the other kids could remember the facts after the first lesson, but Anastasia couldn't.  When she was in year 10 she left her school to go to a ballet school. Where she was a ballet dancer for a few years until she retired. Ballet dancers usually retire when their young. (Usually in their 20s). After she retired she decided to go to university to study economics. When she got their she had to do a test! After the test everyone lined up to get their results from the teacher. She got 2 out of about 40 questions right. The teacher said that she had to go back to school. But she didn’t want to go back to school because she was an adult.