Fundraising & Social News

Don't forget the Fundraising & Social Sub-Committee will be selling a range of icy poles, choc tops and soft drinks between 5.30pm and 7.30pm until stock lasts. Prices range from $2 to $6 per item and there will be cash or EFTPOS payments available.
Easter Raffle
With this term off to a flying start, it will be Easter before we know it! A long-standing tradition at MPS is the Easter Raffle which not only raises funds for the school but is a favourite amongst our students...we wonder why!
To make this a success we ask that families donate Easter goodies which can be used as prizes in the raffle and the more the merrier for it will mean we have more winners on the day. In the past there have been approximately 100 prizes to be won.
Commencing from Tuesday 12 March classes will have a basket to collect donations for the Easter raffle so students can donate with ease otherwise they can take their chocolate donations to the school office.
Next week each student will be provided raffle ticket booklets which will stipulate instructions on prices and more. More raffle booklets will be available at reception to those who master selling all of their tickets.
We ask that all sold tickets (which includes name and phone number clearly printed on the ticket butt) and money be concealed in an envelope and returned to the office.
Hot Cross Bun Drive
Once again we are partnering with MPS family owned business, Bakers Delight Ashburton for a Hot Cross Bun Drive. Stock up on Hot Cross Buns to get you through the Easter Long Weekend and school holidays!
There are three flavours of Hot Cross Buns available: Traditional Fruit, Apple & Cinnamon and Choc Chip. Each packet includes 6 Hot Cross Buns of your chosen variety and are $9 per pack. They are available to purchase on Qkr! until Friday March 22 at 12pm. Purchased Hot Cross Buns will be distributed to students to bring home on Wednesday March 27. Happy ordering!
To set up a Carnival, a lot of input is required from baked goods, to pre-loved goods donations and of course sponsorships. We are seeking sponsorships from businesses and in addition we are hoping families who are in a position to make donations of $1,000 or more can contact us to discuss sponsorship packages. We may have families who work for companies who are also able to provide some financial support. If you are one of these people, we would appreciate it if you could email Liz on to discuss sponsorship packages or you can donate anonymously if you wish.
As per previous note this week, due to the weather forecasted we have needed to postpone the event. More details will follow on when this will occur in Term 2. The great news here is students have more time to fundraise so get involved at
Many thanks
From the Social & Fundraising Committee