Social Justice Report

Caritas is a Catholic organisation that works to make a difference for some of the most vulnerable people in our world. This year we are focusing on Malawi in Africa, where over 

20 million people live. Most of the population endures chronic malnutrition and poverty.

As Social Justice Leaders we are asking our fellow students to take up the challenge of finding ways that they can earn enough money to go towards purchasing disaster resilient seeds that will enable a farmer from Malawi to be able to continuously grow and sell his/her crops to make enough money to support their family and build their own business. 

We have created a display in the corridor so we can see how much money we have raised so far. Each seed packet on display represents $2.

A huge thank you to those who have already donated towards money for this worthy cause. 

It has been amazing to hear that students are bringing in their own pocket money to help with this very worthy cause. 

So far we have raised $216 with a special mention to the Year 5/6 class who have contributed $128. Well done Year 5/6. You are an inspiration to us all. 

Please consider giving to this very worthy cause. Your generosity is helping these people create a sustainable future for themselves, their families and their communities. 

Together we can  work towards creating a future of hope and dignity for all in our world.


Social Justice Leaders

Archie L, Fraser R, Olivia G