Wellbeing news

Wellbeing - Week 6

Wellbeing groups

This week in our wellbeing groups the focus is on social skills. 


For our grades 3-6 we are focusing on trust and building trust within friendships. To begin, students participated in a range of trust building games before diving deeper into the layers of building and breaking trust and how this applies in friendships.


Collaboratively, our students came up with the top 5 aspects that contributes to building trust with their friends.

  1. Being honest.
  2. Being reliable.
  3. Playing by the rules.
  4. Having the courage to do the right thing.
  5. Building a good reputation.

For our prep-2’s we are focusing on Kindness. Our activities are based around the book ‘Keys of Kindness’. After discussions, students listed and drew ways they can show kindness throughout their days.


Other helpful resources:



