Secondary Year 11/12

Term One has come and (almost) gone with so many highlights happening as we’ve got to know each other as we’ve learnt together. Students have enjoyed participating in their own chosen electives, VET programs (on Wednesdays) and our work related skills program on Thursdays. This term, students in 11A have been working at the Essendon Baptist Community Church learning key gardening skills enabling them to complete 2 units from the Cert II in Horticulture. As an additional work skill, we also learnt how to cook in a work safe environment in the canteen as we made slices for a Mothers group at the church too.
Students have learnt a range of mapping and money problem solving skills as part of our preparations for our City Experience and our Semester project about Melbourne.
Both staff and students are looking forward to a deserved break and be ready to get back on track in Term 2!
This term, the students have had a rewarding experience gaining hands-on experience at Collingwood Farm. Throughout their time at the farm, the students have developed a diverse range of farm hand skills through their participation in a variety of tasks.
The students have embraced the opportunity to commute to and from the farm using public transport, demonstrating independence and responsibility.
Their ability to adhere to a structured schedule and effectively manage their time while on the farm is commendable. They have approached each task with enthusiasm and dedication, and have consistently displayed a strong work ethic.
Overall, the students have made the most of their time at Collingwood Farm, gaining valuable hands-on experience and expanding their knowledge of farm operations.
Secondary 11C started the year with some fantastic team building activities before commencing learning activities and tasks for our Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC).
The emphasis on experiential learning, personal development skills and work skills is a new, challenging, and exciting change for the Year 11’s. The numeracy and literacy students have been doing in class also involves applied and practical learning experiences, such as, voting for the 11C class values or planning an excursion to eat sausages in the park. It's rewarding to see students see the real-world value in work they are doing.
Each Thursday, 11C travels to Mill Park Bunnings to host the Bunnings sausage sizzle. This is a great experience where the class has been developing various skills including, customer service, cooking skills, money handling, food handling, hygiene, and record keeping. To start the day the class buys all the food, drinks, and other items we will need from the supermarket at the best prices they can find. At the end of each Thursday, we count our total income, take away our costs and find our total profit for the day.
Looking ahead, most of the class is really looking forward to our Melbourne City Camp coming up in the last week of term. Whether it’s the haunted (possibly) Old Melbourne Gaol or Wicked the musical, there is something exciting for everyone going.
Term 1 has flown with lots of time spent on establishing new routines and settling into a new normal.
It has been a busy term with many excursions and learning that has taken place outside of the classroom. This term we attended Banyule Tech School for a 5-week block. Students learnt to use a computer program to create designs which were transformed onto wrapping paper, stickers, and bags. They were able to incorporate their interests to make the designs truly theirs.
Our Thursday program for the term has been at Brunswick Industries. This was a new program for Concord School. Students were involved in a range of projects involving packaging within a warehouse. They started with filling small bottles with lens cleaning solution. These were then packaged before being sent off. Students worked under a supervisor and with a range of employees. They all demonstrated wonderful responsibility and flexibility within the real-life workplace.
The students worked on some real-world problem solving when they organised an excursion for the Year 11s. They needed to consider dates and times along with quantities and ratios for food. 11D students were responsible for cooking the sausages, preparing the bread and handing them out to all students and staff.
We spent a large amount of time preparing for our camp to the city. We researched the city and looked at several familiar landmarks. Students were responsible for investigating the location and cost of venues they wanted to visit. They looked at the weather forecasts to assist them with packing bags and considered what items were needed for the two-night stay.
We are all looking forward to a break to recharge after a busy term!
Year 12
Year 12 students have been exploring Community Services they may want to participate in next year or in the future. There have been excursions to BRITE Industries (Warehousing & Horticulture), Latrobe Life skills and Melbourne Polytechnic (Certificate courses & recreational activities) and St. John of God (recreational & educational activities).
These excursions provided a great taster for the students. The Career Expo followed with other agencies to explore. Our Year 12 students had a stamp-a-thon booklet to fill in as they went around to the services’ stalls. It was great to see so many Year 12 students and their families and some Year 10 & 11 students too.
Our boys are on a steep learning curve going on Tuesdays and Thursdays to their School Based Apprenticeship & Training (SBAT) at Connecting2Australia in Brunswick. They are learning furniture building skills and are enjoying using the machinery involved. Most have learnt their travel routes and are travelling independently. Peter is soon to have an SBAT too. When at school they have to put their heads down to get everything done, so that they will achieve their VPC by the end of the year.
Students in 12B visited 'Imagine Reevolution' on Thursdays, who had a partnership with Bunnings. Over three weeks a group of students built shelves and trolleys that were then donated to the SES for use at their facilities. The students learnt a series of skills and how to use tools in order to build the items and they then used these skills to share with the other students to build their small house project.
Students in 12C have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Back of House program this Term. Each week we have baked treats including smartie cookies, cupcakes, chocolate and lemon balls to sell at the school cafe and to students and staff at the Lower Primary campus.
We have also worked incredibly hard in the classroom, working towards achieving our VPC by building a range of skills across Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development and Work Related subject areas.
Students have started the year well with their SBAT Water2All. On Wednesdays they work on theory as part of the Certificate11 in Food Processing. On Thursdays they are gaining skills in food preparation and handling food. They have made sandwiches, pasta and soup which is distributed to people in need.
Speech Pathologist: Lauren Chan and Jonathan Marshall, Occupational Therapist.
It has been a busy and exciting start to 2024. Lauren has been supporting the VET Automotive students, learning about how to be safe in the workshop, jump starting a car, hoisting a car and changing tyres.
The students are enjoying teaching Lauren all about cars including what are the best car modifications and how to change a tyre. Jonathan has been supporting students to utilise access assistive technology to allow them to be more independent with their work as well as fine motor and sequencing of tasks during VET Kitchen Operations.
It has been nice to explore some of the post school options such as BRITE, St John of God, La Trobe Life Skills and Melbourne Polytechnic with the students and learn about what programs they can participate in life after school.