
Michael Mclaughlan 



Last year the senior students had to make a project to help the school or others. 

Our group was full of basketballers and we wanted to do something about our courts. We thought about it and decided, getting new basketball rings for the school was the most realistic idea.



Our group reached out to the Australian brand INFINET after seeing some of their unique designs around Coburg and Brunswick areas. The guys, Nick and Stu from INFINET replied and agreed to help us out. They offered to reduce the price of their rings (a 2 for 1 deal) but it was still very expensive and the group had to organize some fundraisers. We worked really hard and raised about $500.


Fast forward to this year, Nick and Stu arrived at our school to install our new rings AND backboards. They look so cool and are much better to play on. 



Once Nick and Stu applied the new rings they gave the classes MM and CD a detailed explanation about the rings. First they said it's made out of recycled materials and that it is good for the environment. Secondly they showed us that the net was made out of rubber and how the rings would last for years and years. Lastly Nick and Stu told us that the backboard is sound proof and is also made out of recyclable materials.