Maths in CB 

Catherine Beswick 

Unit CB have been investigating the numeracy concept of TIME by looking at the days of the week and connecting them to what happens in a day. We have begun this investigation by outling what happens in a day. We have noticed that each day is like a pattern, we always have a MORNING, AFTERNOON and EVENING. Unit CB have been drawing and discussing things we do at the different times of the day so we can learn and understand the terms, MORNING, AFTERNOON and EVENING/NIGHT.  We have been singing a days of the week song to the tune of “The Adams Family.” Ask your child if they can sing it to you. 


Unit CB have also been learning about patterns. We know that they repeat! We have been looking at patterns and non patterns to see if we can identify which one is a pattern. We have been using concrete materials like counters and teddies to copy, continue and create our own patterns.