Learning News

Numeracy News Term 1, Week 3




For our first Mathematics topic of the year, Kindergarten have been learning about 2D shapes. We have learned to name, describe and sort circles, squares, triangles and rectangles. As part of the outcomes for this unit, students are also required to create different pictures or displays using shapes. On Wednesday this week, we enjoyed becoming chefs with shapes! We created some delicious snacks using different shaped ingredients to create a face on some rice cakes. We had to carefully follow and listen to the steps told by Miss Fraser. Some of us made some cat faces, dragon faces and funny smiley faces. The best bit was trying out our delicious snack. 

Well done Kindergarten!

Miss Fraser

Year 1

To start the year, Year 1 has been learning to identify and describe 2D shapes. We have worked very hard to recognise triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and octagons in different orientations. We explored and described each shape to say how many sides, curved edges or vertices they have. Next, we learned to slide the shapes and discovered that they don’t change, and to flip each shape which then changed its orientation. Great exploring Year 1! 

Miss Myers, Mrs Gall and Mrs Shepherd


*To view the videos, click on the link then click on the picture of the box with the arrow.


Year 2

In Year 2, we have been exploring 2D shapes. We have learnt how to describe and draw a variety of 2D shapes, flip and rotate a shape and used our knowledge and skills to create some amazing artworks. These mathematicians used a variety of 2D shapes, both regular and irregular, to make animals, foods and even galaxies! Love your work year 2! 

Miss Rasche 

Year 3/4

This week, Stage 2 has been learning about Position and why it is important in everyday life. Students gained an understanding of a wide variety of key terminology used when describing the position of an object/place. They used their gained knowledge from the unit to produce a variety of maps and provided verbal and written instructions to locate positions of a place. Fantastic work this week Stage 2! 

Miss Maunder 

Pippa Duff’s directions from the Stage 2 classroom to the play equipment.
Alice Coombe’s planned cross country course at St Michael’s Primary School.
Lillian Squire’s cross country course she has designed.
Pippa Duff’s directions from the Stage 2 classroom to the play equipment.
Alice Coombe’s planned cross country course at St Michael’s Primary School.
Lillian Squire’s cross country course she has designed.

Year 5

To begin our Maths for Term 1, Year 5 have been investigating 3D objects. As part of our learning we have focused on the differences between prisms and pyramids, the properties of different objects and what nets can be used to create those shapes. We greatly enjoyed our beginning topic and look forward to working with Representing Whole Numbers in the coming weeks. Well Done Year 5!

Mr Beaumont

Year 6 

This term, Year 6 has been studying three-dimensional objects. Students have constructed a variety of three-dimensional objects using paddlepop sticks and playdough. They have visualised and built different figures using given viewpoints, as well as drawing the top, front and side views of objects. Students have enjoyed using drawing, materials and technology to demonstrate their learning. Fantastic construction Year 6!  

Miss Summerell