Life Education Van Visit

VISITING SCHOOL PERFORMANCE - ‘Life Education Van’ (Happy Healthy Harold)
The ‘Life Education Van’ will be visiting St. Joseph’s Glen Innes next week, Week 11 - (Tuesday 9th -Thursday 11th April). The modules and sessions presented by the visiting educator supports the school’s teaching and learning in the Key Learning Areas of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE). The modules and sessions are specially prepared for each learning stage. Each class will attend one session over the three days. Below is an overview of the modules and schedule. Please note: there is no charge. In the current climate, the school will cover the full cost of this performance for each child.
Module Breakdown and schedule for 2024:
TUESDAY, - 9th April Stage 3 classes and Kinder Class
Kinder Module - Harold’s Friend Ship: In this module students learn to consider the importance of relationships and gain skills to seek help in a variety of situations. They have opportunities to practice strategies to manage their feelings and emotions.• How to build friendships and care for others • Identifying and managing feelings and emotions • Recognising body clues that let us know when we could be unsafe • Safe people and places to seek help
Stage 3 Module: Relate, Respect and Connect - In this module students investigate the importance of respectful relationships, including face to face and online connections. They explore how the physical and personal changes at this stage of life will impact their behaviour, emotions and relationships. They also learn to recognise, react and report disrespectful, unsafe and predatory behaviour online. • Understanding how to respect ourselves and others• Identifying characteristics of positive relationships • Strategies to help maintain positive online and offline relationships • How to recognise, react and report unwanted contact, bullying or predatory behaviours
WEDNESDAY, 10th April: Stage 1 classes Module: Growing Good Friends In this module students investigate healthy lifestyle choices and factors that impact health and emotional wellbeing. This includes learning about healthy food choices and considering how media and advertising messages influence food choices.
• Recognising how nutrition and physical activity contribute to health • Exploring health messages and advertising influences • Identifying the qualities and attributes of a good friend • People in our network who can support and help us
THURSDAY, 11th April: Stage 2 classes Module: BCyberWise In this module students investigate their use of tech and the positives and negatives of being online, including unwanted contact and unsafe situations. The ‘Recognise, React, Report’ strategy enables them to recognise the clues the body gives when they may be unsafe, to react in appropriate ways and to report and seek help. • Keeping personal information safe online • How to recognise, react and report unwanted contact and potential predatory behaviours • Responsible and respectful behaviour when using communication technology • Skills for building positive relationships with friends • Exploring the role of bystanders
Parent and Family Resources
If you would like to find out more about what your child will be learning and to gain access to the family resources page, please visit Life Ed’s new website: and click on the link for Resources for Parents and Carers
Healthy Harold Merchandise:
The Life Ed Van educator will provide an opportunity for children to purchase products during the school visit - if so desired. Life Education NSW is a not for profit organisation that relies on the support of the community to assist us in reaching our fundraising goals. The sale of Harold merchandise to the children whilst the program is visiting each school supports our overall fundraising activities.
Please DO NOT make online payments to your school. Please provide the correct money in an envelope with the item written on the face of the envelope along with your child's name and class. This allows the educator to process orders efficiently and accurately. Orders will be returned by the conclusion of the visit.
Please click on the attached pdf (see below) for the Healthy Harold Merchandise Order form.
If you would like to purchase something for your child / children, please complete the order form slip and place it in an envelope with your child / children’s name and classes with the correct money.