Picnic Sports

What a great day we had yesterday at our Picnic Sports. We hope that everyone enjoyed their day. After the scores were averaged out the winner of the day was GLENELG!
A big thank you to all parents, students and staff that helped out during the day with photo taking, set up, pack up, handing out place tokens etc... The day run smoothly with all your help! Thanks also to Ms Ferrier who stepped in for Miss P as the organiser and host for the day.
The main competition of the day is always the Parents/Grandparents and Year 6 gumboot toss. The results from the hotly contested contest were:-
First place - Simon Thomas and Jess Porter
Second place - Andrew Peters and Carly Behncke
Third place - Chris Price & Miss Gray
A recount of the day is below from our House Captains:-
The sun was shining it was a perfect day for the Picnic Sports and to verse our rivals, Wannon. The parents were ready to watch their babies run for their lives. The first race was the hurdles and the hurdles went flying more than the kids! Next it was time for the sack race and the children were off and jumping.
Both sides, Wannon and Glenelg, had a great day but at the end of all the fun it was announced that Glenelg came out victorious!
We are all looking forward to next year.
Written by Thomas and Pippa
It started with everyone doing the hurdles. The 5\6 all go first in every race. We didn’t go very well at the start but the little guys went not too bad. Next up was the ball race where you put a ball between your knees and run or jump to the finish line but Sam had a different technique he went on the side and did a side-stepping way. And Cooper did it in the sack race too. In the 3-legged race we seniors at the end we all went crash bang to the ground. But we did very well.
Everybody went to the scorers to find out who won. Everyone waited, devasted. Sadly, Glenelg won. It was very close, but it was fun. Maybe next year Wannon.
By Sam and Cooper. Wannon house captains.
Here are some thoughts from the students:
I loved doing the sack race because I love jumping - Toby
I liked the egg and spoon race, I think I won that one - Willow
I liked the hurdles because they were fun - Billie
I enjoyed yesterday having fun and balancing the bean bag on my head and the sack race - Evie