This week's notes

Dear families and friends,
Due to staff being away this week and it being a bit hectic the newsletter is a bit light on.
Unfortunately there are some cases of Covid going through school at the moment. We ask that families test their children even at the slightest symptom to help stop the spread. It is still recommended by the Department to keep your child away from school for 5 days, until the symptoms have passed or testing negative.
School Picnic Sports
Thank you to everyone who helped out with the Picnic Sports on Thursday. It was a great day. Please see the page in the newsletter with some pics and recounts from the house captains.
Parents Club
Our school Parents Club held its AGM and General Meeting on Monday 26th February. We would like to thank the outgoing parents of the Executive Committee for their dedication and time they have put in. It is greatly appreciated.
Congratulations to our newly appointed Executive Committee:-
President: Callie Leese
Vic President: Marion Huf
Secretary: Jess Mowatt
Treasurer: Carly Behncke
Uniform Co-ordinator - Callie Leese
Thank you for stepping into these roles ladies. Thank you also to the 2024 committee members. We look forward to seeing what Parents Club can achieve this year.
School Council Elections
With the 2024 school year underway it is now time to hold elections to replace retiring School Council members. This year we have 1 position available for any interested school parent. If you wish to nominate someone for school council or self nominate yourself then nomination forms are available from the school office.
Closing date for nominations is Thursday 11th March.
Naplan 2024
The annual Naplan assessments for students in Year 3 and 5 are scheduled to begin with the Writing test on Wednesday 13th March, Reading on Thursday 14th, Language Conventions on Monday 18th and Numeracy on Tuesday 19th March.
Please try to have your students attend on these days.
Naplan assesses the numeracy and literacy skills of students in Yr 3, 5, 7 and 9 every year. An information letter was sent home with all Year 3 and 5 students yesterday.
Except for Year 3 Writing, all tests are completed online in an adaptive format suited to each child's ability.
If you would like to trial a test you can follow this link and give it a go:
Parent Payment Arrangements
If you have paid or are intending to pay your school fees and/or making a donation, please make sure you send the paperwork back to school as it is required for auditing purposes. If you have paid and thrown out the paperwork, please let Tammy know and she can print you off another one.
Have a great weekend everyone. Hopefully I have recovered from illness and will be back on Monday!
Sally Purnell
Acting Principal