Principal's Ponderings

From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Unshakeable Coaching

I often draw parallels between the pursuit of excellence in sports and in life. In sports, championships are rarely won by individual brilliance alone (just look at superstars like Buddy Franklin and Gary Ablett when they left their original AFL teams to go to another); championships are the fruit of a united team, seamlessly working together through discipline, practice and a shared vision. 


This truth resonates deeply with the journey we undertake as followers of Christ.


The Bible is rich with guidance akin to a coach’s playbook. In Proverbs 27:17 we read, 'As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.' This speaks to the essence of teamwork and community. Just as a sports team needs every member to be sharp and ready, our 'spiritual walk' requires us to engage with and learn from one another, to be part of a community that refines our faith and understanding.


Why then do we sometimes just sit back, expecting life's blessings to arrive without effort, as if by chance? Jesus Himself taught the value of diligence; He said, 'My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.' He modelled a life of active engagement and purpose, not passivity. The parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 further reinforces the call to actively invest our gifts, not bury them.


In the Bible we find men and women who stumbled, learned and grew stronger in faith. Take for example, King David, a man after God’s own heart, who experienced both triumph and failure, yet constantly sought God’s guidance and forgiveness. David wrote many of the psalms, they offer us profound insights into the heart of worship and repentance. I invite you to open the Bible and read the book of Psalms, I find the Psalms very relatable to my own struggles and my very need to praise.


Our relationship with Jesus does not demand high spirituality but instead authenticity. James encourages us, 'Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.' In this divine coach-player relationship, we are invited to a genuine dialogue, learning life strategies through prayer and reflection, akin to a player receiving wisdom from a seasoned coach.

Taking my illustration deeper, physical conditioning is imperative for athletes to perform at their peak and so is our spiritual fitness for the race set before us. To run with perseverance, the race marked out for us. It is not enough to be spectators on the sidelines. We are called to be active participants, to 'train ourselves to be godly', understanding that spiritual growth requires discipline and commitment.


Our spiritual journey is one that flourishes with community engagement. A verse that encourages me to be linked in with community is found in Hebrews, 'And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together... but encouraging one another.' 


I am an advocate for you and your family finding a local church community here in Devonport, where you can worship, learn, and grow together in Christ.

My hope for our school community, is that each individual is not only prepared for life's practical challenges but is spiritually fortified, drawing closer to Jesus and deepening your understanding of His word daily. This journey is one of both personal growth and communal strength, as we unite in faith and purpose.


Let us be not just a team of champions but a champion team, committed to the teachings and love of Jesus. Embrace this journey, as Jesus reminds us, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.' Let us strive to know Him more, to be life-fit, spiritually robust, and ready to run the race set before us with endurance and joy. To be on His team.


Chad Smit | Principal



Principal on Sabbatical Leave

Chad Smit, our Principal, is on a period of sabbatical leave until Wednesday 27th March. This leave is a pre-arranged period of time for Chad to rest, reflect and develop as a leader. The Board values Chad's leadership and, over 12 months ago, began planning for this extended period away.


It will be school as usual during this time, with Tom Evans and Alison Moore jointly leading in Chad's absence. Your child's class teacher remains your primary contact for immediate assistance. Leanne Crawford, the Executive Officer and Hanna Udy, the Board Chair, will also ensure DCS's smooth running. 


If you would like to know 'who to contact' please go to this page and scroll to the 'What do I do if . . .'  to ensure you are connected with the right team member.


We ask for your support and encourage you to pray for Chad while he is away. We look forward to welcoming him back, refreshed and re-energised for the coming years.


Hanna Udy   |   Board Chair