Wellbeing News
The 7 Habits of CPS Leaders Continued…
Habit 5
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood means that it is better to listen first and talk second.
By taking the time to listen to another person, you reach a higher level of communication. Young children may find it difficult to understand another’s point of view. This habit is best approached by introducing listening as a skill that should be practised.
Learning to listen without interrupting and learning to listen with your ears, your eyes, and your heart will help children build a foundation for Habit 5. Simply put, we have two ears and one mouth so that we can spend more time listening with the intent to understand.
Habit 6
Synergise/ Collaborate is when two or more people work together to create a better solution that either would have thought of alone.
It’s not your way or my way, but a better way. Synergy/ Collaboration is taking good ideas and making them better by working together.
Discussions can focus on other examples of synergy/ collaboration in nature, history, literature, and personal experiences. For example, synergy /collaboration happens in nature when a flock of birds migrate. They fly in a V formation because due to the updraft, the entire flock can fly farther than if each bird flew alone.
Habit 7
Balance is Best means to have balance in your life.
This habit reminds us that we are more productive when we are in balance—body, brain, heart and soul.
Just like the four tires on a car, if one area is being ignored or overused, the rest will feel the results. A car could not go on fewer than all four tyres. We can talk about the four parts of each person (body, brain, heart, and soul) and how important it is to take care of each part to make them all work better.